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Her walk no longer had a little limp in it and it wasn't such a hassle to wear jeans or leggings so Demi was taking full advantage. She was finally comfortable in a pair of coral colored Nike's, black lululemon leggings, and a white v neck. She was all smiles walking into school next to Trey because it was actually their choice to keep themselves a secret. Their group of friends already knew and there was no reason to broadcast it to the rest of the school, unless Jhene had already done that for them.

"Hey Demi," Drake walked up on her while she was putting her stuff away in her locker and Demi turned around to smile at him.

"Hey Drake. It feels like I haven't talked to you in forever. What's up?" Demi asked and Drake nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"Listen, I gotta tell you something," Demi closed her backpack to give Drake her full attention. He was fumbling with his fingers and Demi grabbed his hands because his actions were distracting her.

"After your party...I um, I slept with Jhene. And I was the one who told Kae about you sleeping with Trey but I swear I didn't mean to," Demi's hand slowly slipped from Drake's and her smile dropped down into a frown.

"You told? Why would you...that wasn't even your business to tell!" Demi rarely raised her voice but she could feel herself growing angrier by the second.
The fact that he slept with Jhene didn't matter to her. He could have her and maybe even mend her broken heart so she could stop being so nasty to everyone and apologize for putting her hands on her.

What upset her was the fact that she didn't even really tell Drake about what had happened between her and Trey, he had figured it out. What gave him the right to go running his mouth to someone who couldn't keep their mouth shut? Why would he tell Kae of all people? When did he even start talking to Kae?

"It just slipped!"

"How does the fact that I slept with my best friend just slip, Drake? It doesn't! You shouldn't even have been thinking about it!" A few people paused in the hallway to see what the drama was because Demi literally never yelled at anyone or tried to make herself the center of attention. She tried to remain as drama free as possible and everyone knew that.

"I'm sorry, Demi. I really am. And I'm sorry for sleeping with Jhene..."

"You think I'm upset because you slept with Jhene? I don't care about that. What I care about is the fact that I trusted you and you went and told some hoe who can't keep her mouth shut my personal business," Demi slammed her locker shut before shooting a final glare at Drake and stalking off towards her first hour class.

With Kae knowing, the whole school definitely would already know. Graduation was next week. She didn't have time for the petty high school drama. Maybe the way that her and Trey got together wasn't right but she was in love with him and they were happy together now. Nothing else should matter and it definitely wasn't anyone's business.

"I told Sean," Naya exclaimed when Demi sat down with her hot wings from Wing Place. She was gonna regret all of the binge eating that she had done when it was time to go back to the gym but whatever.

"Really? How'd he react?" Demi asked, saying a quick prayer over her food before splitting it with Naya who only had a container of salad in front of her.

"He was happy, Demi. He was actually happy. And it made me happy too. It was like, now that I know he wants this baby, I want it even more," Naya gushed with a content smile on her face. Demi was happy that she was happy so she wasn't gonna start stressing her out about how she was still gonna go to school or how her and Sean could possibly pay for a baby when neither of them had worked a single day in their lives.

"You're pregnant? That was bound to happen sooner or later," Kae dropped her plate onto the table and plopped down next to Naya who made a move to jump at her but Demi held her back. She couldn't be fighting now that she was pregnant. That was just way too risky.

"Oh Demi, how are you and Trey after what happened yesterday?" Demi was trying to remind herself that Kae really hadn't done anything wrong. She had simply received some information from someone and since she was better friends with Jhene than she was with Demi, of course she was gonna tell her. Demi had just wished that Kae had come to her first and told her that Drake was spreading rumors that probably weren't even true...even if they were.

"That's actually none of your business's Jhene?" Yeah she had slapped her but her brother had died from cancer. Demi was trying to be the better person and excuse her from her actions by not fighting back because she was going through a difficult time.

"She's taking a week off. I took her work home for her. She should be here next week," Demi nodded as Trey came and sat down across from them. He didn't even greet them before he was digging into his food and Chris did the same.

"Demi, on behalf of Kae I wanna apologize for what happened on Saturday. I told her about running her mouth," Chris's eyes cut over to Kae who lowered them to the table and played with her newly manicured fingers.

"No harm done. Let's just forget about it," and Demi really did want to forget about it. She was tired of hearing about it and didn't want to talk about it any further. What happened was already done and there was no point in discussing it or dwelling it. They were graduating in a week. It was time to move on.

Coach Reese had texted her to meet in her office after school so that's where Demi was headed. All of the sports seasons were over because graduation was next week so they didn't have to stay after for practices anymore. The playoffs had come and gone and of course the boys had won. The cheer season had been pretty good too but not nearly as good as it has been last year when she was leading them to victories.

Trey was waiting outside for her so she hoped that Coach Reese's meeting would be quick.

"Hey Demi," she greeted, gesturing to the chair in front of her desk. Though Demi had tried to forget about it, her and Trey had almost had sex in her office. She crinkled her nose at the thought and focused back on Coach Reese.

"I know you didn't get to fully experience this season and that was really unfortunate but I sent a few of the videos that I have of you stunting and tumbling and things like that in to a few colleges," Coach Reese explained, digging into her desk drawers and pulling out a stack of envelopes tied together with a rubber band.

"These are their replies. I know this injury set you back but you are a very talented young girl and I don't want that to go to waste. You're in your peak, Demi. Take advantage of this, okay?" Coach Reese pushed the envelopes towards her and rested back in her seat as Demi took the envelopes off of the desk and set them in her lap.

"Now go on and do all that AP homework that you have," Demi nodded and offered her former coach a small smile before exiting her office.
She took her time going to the parking lot because she was reading the names on the envelopes. They were all from colleges. Two of them were from UCLA and another one was from Berkely. There were more from colleges that she had never even heard of and then a few from some Ivy Leagues. By the time she had made it to Trey's car she had read the names of all of the colleges that had sent letters to her.

"What are those?" Trey asked her as soon as she entered the car.

"Letters from colleges. Coach Reese sent them a few videos of me cheering and they responded," Demi explained, stuffing the envelopes into her bag, but Trey still didn't start the car.

"How many colleges did you apply to?" Trey asked and Demi shrugged. She has sent in all of her applications last summer but had been too scared to read any of the letters that they had sent back to her. She was waiting for Trey to open his before she opened hers.

"Do you wanna go to the same college?" Demi loved Trey. Now that they were actually together she wanted to be wherever he was at all times. But what happened if they broke up? Then they'd just be stuck at the same college together and things would never be the same.

"I don't wanna leave you behind," she hugged her knees to her chest as Trey finally started the car up.

"I don't wanna leave you either," one corner of Trey's mouth tugged up into his beautifully crooked smile and Demi reached across the counsel to intertwine their fingers.

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