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Three months since then. Lucy was bothered by the fact that she fell for them. She knows that it was too early, but what she's feeling for them are greater than what she felt for Natsu.

Lucy sighed, as she walked out of their house to go to the guild at 4am, knowing that Makarov is the only one there during Fridays. She needs bigger money, and going on a job from the guild will do just fine.

She doesn't have to worry, because for the past 5 months she asked the boys to train her and teach her their magic. She mastered it two weeks ago, and she wanted to test it.

"Master," She knocked.

"Who is it?" She heard from the other side.

"It's Lucy, can I come in?" She heard a loud thud and heard a loud 'come in' from the Master. She twist the knob to enter the office.

She quietly walked and took a seat in front of the master.

"Lucy, my good child, it's been half a year since we last saw you," Makarov said, looking at her with caring eyes.

"I'm sorry, has.." She gulped and looked back at him,"has anyone been looking for me?"

Makarov deeply sighed, and shook his head,"No,"

She looked down and said,"I see,"

"Now tell me what have you been doing for the past six months,"

Lucy smiled and tell him everything. Makarov stared at her as she tells him everything.

This child look so happy.. Those men better take care of her, like a man would.

"You seem to be in love with these men you've found," Lucy blushed at his statement. It was true she is in love with the four.

"Master, actually... Can I request something?" Lucy asked him.

"What is it?" He asked, afraid that this request of her is leaving the guild to live with these men.

"Can I go on an S-Class Quest?" He breathed out the breath he didn't know he was holding in.


"S-Class!?" He exclaimed in shock, as Lucy nodded at confirmation.

"Yes, Master," Lucy said with determination,"I want to test out the magics I've learned, please trust me! I'll come back safely,"

"Alright," He opened a drawer and took out a paper and give it to her. She examined it, and give it back, he stamped it to be approved.

"Just come home safely," He remained.

"Yes, Master," She beamed in realization next,"Ah! Master, can you please look after the boys if they ever went here. I don't want them to worry,"


Lucy stood up to exit the office, but looking back at him, she smiled and waved a goodbye. Then, she left. It was a good thing Mira came to the guild at 6am and the boys get up at 8am. It was still 5:30am, she can leave early.

"Lucy?" She turned, and her eyes widen to see Cana. Cana was very much shock to see her too. Cana may not look like it, but she noticed Lucy haven't been in the guild since day one of her disappearance but didn't said anything so the others would notice it themselves.

"C-Cana?" Lucy was shocked. She didn't expect to see her,"What are you doing here so early?"

"I'm about to ask you the same thing," Cana grinned, it has been so long since she saw Lucy,"Where were you? And where are you going?"

"I've been around Magnolia though," Lucy pointed out,"And I asked Master for me to go on S-Class Quest,"

"S-Class?! Is that old man nuts!?" Cana shouted, slamming the cup she was holding onto the table.

"Well. If that's all, I'm leaving. Bye!" Before Cana could stop her, she ran out at full speed towards the train station. She bought a ticket to Emerald Town for her job.

It was officially 8am. A total of two hours and thirty minutes since Lucy left for the job. Cana was so pissed off after she left the Master's office about it. So, she was basically glaring at everyone. Makarov still included the part about the boys, and Lucy's wishes before she leaves.

Take care four guys!? Is she nuts!? We don't know what they look like!

Everyone was happy around when the door slammed opened, revealing Erza, Wendy, and Levy. The three mages actually left before the party happened for an S-Class. Erza looked around and approached the bar with the other two.

"Welcome back!" Mira greeted cheerfully,"How was the job?"

"Tiring," Levy groaned as she took a seat,"But the job was worth it!"

"Yeah," Wendy agreed,"We've got God Gate Keys as one of the rewards aside the money,"

Cana flinched. Everyone was quiet. Something clicked in their minds.

"Speaking of which," Erza spoke and looked around trying to find a person, but found none,"Where's Lucy?"

"I haven't seen-" Cana cut Mira off. She was pissed off already. And these idiots are just realizing that Lucy hadn't been in the guild for six while months!

"She left a few hours ago," She rolled her eyes and looked at everyone, whose attention were on her, they were shocked to say the least.

"D-do you know where she went?" Natsu asked, but was glared at in response.

"She left for a mission," Cana said, as she jugged down on the barrel of booze.

"What kind of job did she took," Erza asked.

Cana burped and wiped the excess of the booze,"She took an S-Class Job,"

Everyone gasped. Lucy.. Their Lucy took an S-Class by herself?!

"She left two and a half hours ago," Cana said, now fully glaring at them,"Has any of you ever noticed that she hasn't been here?!"

Asuka raised her hand along with her parents. Panther Lily and Gajeel raised their hands. Raijinshuu also raised theirs.

"We actually found her on one of her jobs around the town," Alzack said,"She was working on a daycare,"

"We saw her working on 8-Islands," Laxus said, stating their encounter with the blonde.

"We saw her around her streets," Gajeel said, crossing his arms,"With tons of medicine too,"

"Is she sick?" Wendy asked worriedly.

"She only said that she need those for emergencies," Lily said.

The door suddenly burst opened and revealed four good looking men.

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