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“Where is she

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“Where is she..” The man with blue highlights panted, and looked at them,“I said! Where is she!”

“Who are you?!” Erza exclaimed, ready to fight the unknowns.

“Are you boys Lucy's men?” Makarov appeared, Cana's eyes widen. These men are Lucy's lovers, but the old man referred them as 'Lucy's men'.

“Correction, lovers,” The man with purple ends snarled,“Now bring her out,”

“She left for a mission,” The very pale man said before anyone could answer.

“Sometimes your holy magic do wonders, Renshu,” The man with red highlights smirked at the man called Renshu.

“What are we waiting for? Let's go!” The first man said, he turn around to leave with the other three but were stopped by a barrier.

“What the!?” Mingyu looked at them,“What are you doing?!”

“Lucy specifically told me to take care of you four,” Makarov sternly said,“I'm going to do just that,”

“Tsk!” Weizhe tsked, but went to a table to sit at anyway.

The other three didn't look at any of them, and went beside Weizhe. Everyone was wary of the men. They had never met nor encountered these men. Yet, the master labeled them as Lucy's men. And the other one corrected them as Lucy's lovers.

“Who even are you!?” Mingyu pointed at Makarov,“How did you get acquainted with our Lucy?”

“I'm Lucy's guild master,” Makarov wasn't fazed by the black mage's outburst,“She requested it herself, I cannot simply ignore my child's wishes,”

“And how come you're letting a delicate girl do jobs!?” Cana pointed at them,“And you called yourselves her man!?”

“We tried,” Jianyu said,“But you know her, she's stubborn, she won't let us work until we're at 100%,”

“Aren't you already though?” Levy asked.

“We are, is just that...” Renshu sweat dropped.

“Ever since she learned our magics... Lucy has began to be protective over us,” Mingyu sighed,“Which really hurt our pride as men. She claimed that she doesn't want other girls going after us,”

“Understandable, considering your looks to be honest,” Cana sighed with a smirk.

“Oh shut it,” All four chorused with a tick mark on their own head.

“Do you think she'll be okay?” Weizhe asked.

“She'll be fine,” Jianyu closed his eyes as he leaned in to the chair,“She didn't learned our magic for nothing. Believe in her,”

“But still... What if she got hurt? That Emerald Town place seems to be far,” Renshu worriedly ask,“It is an S-Class after all,”

“The magic we taught her is not basics,” Mingyu said,“It was really lucky that our magic balanced in her body, considering we never got along with one another,”

“Balanced in her body?” Makarov stepped in her conversation,“What do you mean?”

“She probably didn't told you our magics,” Jianyu said, arms crossed,“Our magics are one of a kind, learning all four would mean distortion in a person's body. Mingyu's black magic is already a basic on our level,”

Suddenly, hundreds of swords surrounded Mingyu, he looked and saw it was Erza,“You.. Have black magic? That kind of magic was near our Lucy. It could have hurt her!”

“It won't,” Mingyu snapped his fingers and Erza's magic was repelled,“Hate to break it to you, Knight, but our magic would never be able to hurt Lucy,”

“What do you mean?” Erza glared at the four men. These men have dangerous magic, who knows what would happened to Lucy if they stayed longer with her.

“Her element claimed and accepted ours,” Weizhe calmly said, looked at them in the eye,“This kind of trick happened before,”

“What does it mean then?” Wendy asked.

“It means, our lives are connected,” Renshu said,“She is ours, and we are hers. It symbolizes our love for one another,”

“But you guys have never confessed to one another,” Cana pointed out.

“Magic do wonders, that's why we knew she accepted and love us,” Jianyu said with a 'matter of fact' tone on them,“This bond and fact cannot be changed no matter what,”

With a smirk, Mingyu confidentially said,“Meaning, if something bad happened to all of us, it would affect her badly,”

“So, it's either we leave with Lucy, or you accept the fact that we are part of her life, literally,” Weizhe smirked with the rest at the guild members agitated face.

“We aren't being rude or prideful or boastful or anything. It's just that this happened before..” Jianyu said, trying to calm the tension they made,“Before we woke up in this world,”

“So you are aware of your past,” Makarov can tolerate their attitudes to his brats, but he can't tolerate them lying to his celestial mage,“Why did you hide it to Lucy,”

“We really didn't intend to hide it,” Jianyu responded,“We remember everything just about two months ago,”

“Then why couldn't you tell her?” Cana asked.

“That's right, you should be honest with Lucy if all of you really love her,” Erza said, arms crossed.

Now different voices are starting to speak, saying that the men should have been honest and told Lucy that they remembered their past, so that she won't be troubled by them.

“You think that we didn't think of that!?” Mingyu shouted at them, causing them to be quiet,“We also thought that we should tell her! But we couldn't because.. Because..”

“Because she was also part of our past,” Weizhu said, as he looked down to look at his feet. Whispers rang throughout the guild,“Part of our lives... 430 years go...”

“What... did you just say?” Everyone must be deaf at his words. Four hundred and thirty years ago? But Lucy didn't live for that long.

“Our body... was frozen deep in the ocean. It might be our karma that put us through that for 430 years,” Jianyu laughed bitterly as he's getting images of what happened before,“Lucy.. She was still our lover, our selfishness causes her demise. Now we want to set everything right,”

“What do you mean by her demise?” Natsu finally spoke up after this many conversations between all of them.

“Our enemies have tried and succeed on killing her to take revenge on us,” Mingyu said, and slammed his hand on the table,“If we didn't hid our continents, and froze ourselves and our people, those people will spread in this continent as well!”

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