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Weizhe remembered when and how he met her. Lucy Heartfilia. Or rather, Xīng Lijing.

The beautiful woman who have taken care of him. The woman he swore to be his only woman.

Houyan Weizhe. The unloved 4th prince of the 4th Empire of the Main Land. To think that he! The Empress's only son was reduced to this!

It all started with Empress Mother's death. It was blamed to him by the Noble Imperial Concubine Sun. Telling them that it was he who killed his own Empress Mother, he who is only seven years of age!

"Fourth Prince," A venomous voice called for him. He turned and glared at the woman who made him a mute and made his life a living hell!

"Don't wish to speak to this concubine?" Noble Imperial Concubine Sun loomed over him with contempt, then she laughed,"Right! This concubine has forgotten that you, a prince with no power or title, have no ability to speak!"

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"Don't wish to speak to this concubine?" Noble Imperial Concubine Sun loomed over him with contempt, then she laughed,"Right! This concubine has forgotten that you, a prince with no power or title, have no ability to speak!"

She went over him, and clicked her fingers, her eunuchs appeared, and hold him by the wrists harshly,"Don't worry, this concubine will relieve your pain,"

He felt pain by his neck then blacked out. He didn't know how long he has been unconscious, but when he woke up he was in the wild in this blizzard.

Monsters were but the distance. Looking at him. Their prey. He couldn't shout. He... He's going to die!

Empress Mother.. Am I going to see you so soon without avenging you?

He was crying. No. I refuse to die like this! I have to avenge Empress Mother!

Being swallowed by darkness. He wasn't aware he burned them with a golden flame.

A young woman of his age with the silkiest black hair and warm brown eyes saved him

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A young woman of his age with the silkiest black hair and warm brown eyes saved him.

Her name was Xīng Lijing, a simple girl living in the forest who happened to stumble upon Weizhe in his desperate state. She had taken care of him when those monsters were gone. With a gentle touch, she examined his injuries and assessed his condition. Weizhe could sense genuine concern in her eyes, a stark contrast to the cruelty he had endured from others.

"You're safe now," she said softly, her voice carrying a comforting warmth. "I won't let anyone harm you."

Although Weizhe remained unable to speak, his gratitude radiated from his eyes. He could hardly believe that this young woman, a stranger, as frail as she looked saved him from death. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a connection that went beyond words.

As days turned into weeks, Xīng Lijing continued to care for Weizhe in her humble cottage nestled within the forest. She provided him with nourishing meals, tended to his wounds, and nurtured his spirit back to life. Weizhe found solace in her presence, her unwavering kindness becoming a balm to his tormented soul.

Despite his inability to speak, Weizhe found ways to communicate with Xīng Lijing. They developed a language of their own, using gestures, expressions, and simple drawings to convey their thoughts and emotions. Xīng Lijing was patient and understanding, always attentive to Weizhe's needs.

As Weizhe's strength slowly returned, he began to assist Xīng Lijing in her daily tasks. Together, they would gather firewood, tend to the garden, and explore the depths of the forest. Weizhe discovered a newfound appreciation for the natural world, finding beauty in the simplest of things, and sharing those moments with Xīng Lijing brought them both immeasurable joy.

In the quiet evenings, as the stars twinkled in the night sky, Weizhe would sit beside Xīng Lijing, their shoulders touching, and they would gaze at the constellations. Although they couldn't speak the same language, they found a profound connection through their shared experiences and unspoken words. Weizhe felt understood in a way he had never thought possible.

Over time, Weizhe discovered that Xīng Lijing possessed a deep knowledge of ancient legends and folklore. She would weave enchanting tales of brave warriors, lost kingdoms, and forbidden love. Weizhe listened with rapt attention, his imagination taking flight as he immersed himself in the captivating narratives. Through those stories, he found inspiration and strength, fueling his desire for justice and vengeance.

In his heart, Weizhe knew that he had found more than a caretaker in Xīng Lijing. She had become his confidante, his closest ally, and his source of unwavering support. He admired her resilience and the purity of her spirit, and he vowed to protect her just as she had protected him.

As the seasons changed and Weizhe grew older, the time came when he could no longer remain hidden in the safety of the forest. He knew he had to face his past, confront those who had wronged him and his Empress Mother. But he couldn't bear the thought of leaving Xīng Lijing behind, vulnerable and alone.

With a heavy heart, Weizhe confided in Xīng Lijing about his plans, expecting her to urge caution and dissuade him from his path of revenge. However, to his surprise, she looked at him with unwavering determination and unwavering support.

"I will be by your side," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "I will be waiting here in our home for you to come back."

He did vowed to come back. To confess his undying love and affection for her once he took back what was rightfully his. His home, his empire.

With their hearts intertwined, Weizhe and Xīng Lijing made a solemn promise to each other. They would face the challenges ahead, reclaim Weizhe's rightful place, and reunite to build a future together.

Weizhe embarked on a journey to the imperial city, guided by his burning desire for justice. He navigated treacherous paths, encountered dangerous adversaries, and gathered allies who believed in his cause. Each step brought him closer to his ultimate goal, but the memory of Xīng Lijing's unwavering support propelled him forward.

Meanwhile, Xīng Lijing remained in their forest sanctuary, tending to the cottage they had shared. Days turned into months, and months into years, yet her resolve never wavered. She filled her time with nurturing the land, preserving the memories of Weizhe's presence, and waiting for his return.

In the imperial city, Weizhe faced numerous trials, both political and personal. He had to navigate the treacherous court filled with deceit, uncover the truth behind his mother's death, and rally support from the loyal factions within the empire. Through it all, the memory of Xīng Lijing's warmth and unwavering belief in him sustained his spirit.

As Weizhe ascended the ranks and gained momentum in his pursuit for justice, whispers of his name began to echo through the empire. The forgotten prince, once thought to be lost in the wilderness, had returned with a fire in his eyes and an army at his command. People started to believe in his cause, drawn to his unwavering determination and the righteousness of his quest.

Finally, the day of reckoning arrived. Weizhe stood at the pinnacle of power, facing his adversaries with a steely resolve. With the truth unveiled, he denounced the false accusations and revealed the depths of treachery that had plagued his empire. The nobles who had conspired against him trembled in fear, realizing that their days of unchecked power were numbered.

As Weizhe claimed his rightful place as the Emperor of the 4th Empire, he remembered his promise to Xīng Lijing. With the empire restored to its former glory, he returned to their forest sanctuary, the place they had once called home.

When he emerged from the woods, he was down right frightened by the sight that greeted him. In the favorite spot where they used to watch the stars was his beloved Lijing. Dead. Weizhe's heart shattered as he rushed to Xīng Lijing's lifeless body. The vibrant warmth that had once filled her eyes was gone, replaced by an eerie stillness. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he fell to his knees beside her, unable to comprehend the cruel twist of fate.

"No... No, this can't be happening," Weizhe whispered, his voice choked with grief. He reached out to touch her cold hand, hoping for a miracle, but reality crashed down upon him with merciless force.

In that moment, Weizhe felt an overwhelming surge of anger and sorrow. He had fought so hard, endured countless hardships, all for the chance to be with Xīng Lijing again. But now, she was gone, and his world seemed devoid of purpose.

He looked to the sides when he heard sounds, it was three other men looking horrified as he was. He looked deeper in their mana and saw it was connected to Lijing, the people that her magic chose as her husbands. Her protectors, yet none of them did their jobs right.


It had dawned to me that I was neglecting some of my stories lol


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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