Chapter 46 : Files

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Christmas holidays were over and no one had seen Jane. They were all worried, they went to Cassandra's but the woman told them Jane didn't come back since a while! They wondered where she could be and where she slept, this winter was harsh, freezing too much to snow. As the prisoners all disappeared, Mike and Will came back with their friends. The two boys were following them, not knowing where they were going, but they didn't care, they were just happy and relieved to be with them again. They arrived in front of the police station, still not understanding why they were there. They entered and Max asked to talk to the Chief Hopper. The woman told her he wasn't there yet but they could wait for him in his office. Once there, Dustin and Lucas sat on the two armchairs while Max and Bev sat on the couch, Mike and Will near the door, a bit lost.

- Why are we here? frowned Mike.

- We wanna know how is Jane, anwered Lucas.

- What!? Her again!? stated angrily Will.

- Yes, her again, you can leave if it's a problem for you! replied Max.

- They all finished their program, now we can live normally!

- It's gonna be fast, intervened Bev, not wanting them to argue again. Then, we'll leave.

Will and Max killed each other with their eyes before both looking away. Mike and Will couldn't believe it, Jane again! Why they couldn't just forget those garbage and keep living!? It was stupid.

A bit bored, Mike began to wander in the office, looking around. Nothing interesting, just cabinets full of files. He approached his desk and noticed a box with more files. When he looked closely, he recognized some names. He took it and put it on the desk.

- You're not allowed to touch that, told Lucas.

- You never wondered why your friends went in jail!? answered Mike, taking two files of the box.

All the teens stood and saw Jane and Melissa's names on them. They all looked at each other, not knowing if it was a good idea, but they were too curious to say something.

- Let's begin with Melissa, said Mike. (opens the file) Arrested for stealing medicine for her mother who was sick, Hospital: zero day, infirmary : 56 days, psychology: stable, quiet, not looking for trouble. Family : Father, dead, Mother, dead.

- We shouldn't do this, it's very intrusive, intervened shyly Bev.

- No, we have to know who are the people you call friends!

- Melissa doesn't seem to be dangerous!

- Let's see Jane now!

The black-haired boy opened the file but frowned when he read it.

- What? asked Lucas.

- Nothing, it's just the picture, she has short hair, that's all. So, oh whoa!

- What!?

- Arrested for attempting murder on her father!

- I knew she was dangerous! stated Will with a victorious tone.

- Come on! I'm pretty sure her father wasn't very loving with her! told Bev.

- Or too much...added Dustin.

This supposition gave everyone a cold shiver, even Mike and Will. Bev put her hand on the file and slowly lowered it to see the picture.

- She is full of bruises, I'm pretty sure he was beating her.

- Well (takes back the file) we can't know! For now, she is dangerous because if she was innocent, she wouldn't have gone in jail! Let's continue. Hospital: 134 days, uh...she, she had been pronounced dead for 30 seconds...

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