Jane was so excited that she ran without stopping to her goal. She jumped over the gate, tapped the code on the intercom, and took the stairs so fast that she didn't have time to stress. She knocked at the door with energy, and almost knocked Clarissa's head when she opened. The blonde girl told her that Max was in her room. Jane thanked her, out of breath, before going directly to the room, brutally opening the redhead's door.
- Jane! What the fuck!? You scared the shit out of me! grumbled Max, sat at her desk.
- I have a place! told Jane, still out of breath.
- Wait, (stands, walks to her, grabs her arm and forces her to sit on her bed) take a breath first (closes her door and sits next to her).
Jane took deep breathes, but she was so excited to tell her this good news that she didn't really calmed down.
- I have a place, told Jane with the same excitement, but with a calmer tone.
- A place? For you? frowned Max.
- Yes! They found him!
- They found who?
- The guy!
- Come on Jane, I know it's hard for you but, can you be straight for once!?
- Ok, chuckled Jane. So, yesterday, I was at Joyce's, and Jim came very early to tell me he found me a place for next year, but I had to come with him to know where. I was annoyed but I did. We arrived at the police station and, before he opened the door, he watched me with a big proud smile. And then, I entered, and my sister was there!
- What!? Your sister!? The one in jail!?
- Yes! In fact, when Jim told me they had a track, they had already found him, and my sister was in a program to help her to get properly reintegrate! And as she went in jail for nothing, she has a money compensation, so for the first year, she won't have to pay for the flat, and electricity, and all those shit!
- Wait, she has an apartment!?
- Yes! Jim visited some while she was in jail and showed her some pictures, she selected the ones she preferred and visited them when she got freed! I saw him yesterday! I have my own room! It's amazing!
- Amazing!? Jane, it's awesome! I'm so happy for you! stated happily Max.
- Me too! Everything is gonna be ok, right?
- Of course, why wouldn't it be?
- I don't know, I'm not used to being alright I guess.
- It will be fine, you'll finally live with your sister, someone who will take care of you.
- Joyce took care of me, and you did too!
- Yeah but, Constance is your sister, she knows how to kick your ass better than us, joked the redhead.
Jane chuckled and gently pushed Max.
- How is the apartment? asked the redhead.
- So cool! There is a big park next to it, I would be able to walk with Dog, Cat, and the second dog I'll train! It's gonna be so cool! And, the bus stop is at 5 minutes on foot, it's great, if I wanna see all of you...I mean, if you still wanna see me, of course...
- Why wouldn't I? I know that what Clara said completely disturbed me but, I still wanna be with you, you never did it because you wanted to, I'm not mad at you, I don't think you're disgusting, I just think that you fucked up, you know it, and you did everything to be better, and now you're gonna live with your sister and training dogs, it's amazing.
- Oh! I have a phone now!
Jane stopped moving a moment to remember where it was. She then stood and began to search on herself, finally finding it in her pants pocket. It was a small black flip phone.
- There was a special offer, and only two colors, Constance took the red one, explained Jane, showing it to the other girl.
- It's perfect for you, all you need is sending message and calling people, nothing more, told Max.
- Yeah, I have two numbers!
Jane opened her phone, and showed the two names inside. It was Sis, obviously, and Doc, who was Lucas. The redhead remembered when the boy asked her to be her first call, she apparently respected it.
- I called him yesterday, he was so happy, smiled Jane.
- I believe you, chuckled Max.
Jane held out the phone to her girlfriend, looking at her with puppy eyes.
- What? frowned Max.
- I want your number.
- Oh, ok! You know, you don't have to be creepy to ask me that, joked the redhead.
- Sorry, I don't know how to do those kind of things, pouted Jane.
- It's fine, I'll even give you the others' number, if you want.
- Yeah! I would love to!
- I put their nicknames?
- Yeah, it's funnier!
- Ok, for Melissa, which one?
- Snow Black.
Max began to enter the numbers in her girlfriend's phone, while this one placed her head on the redhead's shoulder, her arms around Max' right arm. Every time the redhead saved a name, Jane pointed it with her finger, like if it was a game.
- You want Clarissa's number too?
- Why not, if she has an emergency.
- She is a big fan of you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, you're Crazy Jane! I don't know what you did to have your reputation, but you're a star!
- I cut a finger with my teeth.
- What!?
- I've a strong jaw, told Jane.
- I see! chuckled Max!
The redhead wasn't sure that she wanted to know the circumstances of this, but she thought it was amazing! Being able to defend themselves like that, with just her teeth was the best thing she never heard!
- Ok, well, I think it's the last one, smiled Max, holding out the phone to its owner.
- Thank you! said happily Jane, taking it. I will call you every seconds of my life.
- And I'll change my number!
The two girls looked at each other with serious faces before bursting out laugh. They decided to lay down on the bed, Jane snuggling against Max, and to call everyone with the ex-prisoner's new phone to be sure they would have her number.
- I move on tomorrow, told Jane.
- Can I come?
- I was going to ask you.
- Then, I come, to say goodbye.
- And to help with the boxes.
- Oh yeah, you have so many stuff! joked Max.
- My Teddy bear is heavy!
- Yeah, totally!
The redhead tightened the hug and kissed her girlfriend's head. Max was really happy for her, she knew it was all she was missing, an adult presence she grew up with, she knew it would be ok now for her. She deserved it. The two girls didn't do much this day, just staying in bed, enjoying their last day of holidays together, before Jane left.

Reintegration program - Elmax
FanfictionElmax story. This is not in the 80s, it's...at a certain time. Jane has no power. For those who had read my other book "My third life", some chapters will be a bit similar. And those who read "The new girl", you know Elmax won't happen before a few...