Joyce preferred the two girls to wait a week before letting Jane going outside. Now, the mother and the young girl were in direction of the redhead's apartment.
- If you need anything, you call me, ok? said Joyce, driving.
- Yeah, yeah.
- And if you feel sick or a bit bad, don't take anything which is not on the list I gave you.
- Yeah, I know.
- And—
- Joyce! cut Jane. I'll be fine, Max is smart, if I'm being stupid, she will do something.
- I know, I just want you to have a good night, that's all, smiled the mother.
- We will, don't worry, it's not the first time I sleep with her.
- I just want to be sure.
- Don't worry, no alcohol, no drugs, no pills and one bat tonight and one tomorrow morning, I know, she know, we know.
- Yeah, I'm proud of you, told softly Joyce.
Jane smiled. She felt a warm inside her but pressure too, she was worried to ruin everything, she was sadly good at it. Joyce spent so much time doing everything to help her, not wanting something in return, that Jane didn't want to go back in her old habits, to not disappoint her or Max, expecting so much from her. But, was she able to do it? She didn't know, but she hoped she was.
Joyce parked on the perpendicular street. Jane opened the door and went outside while the mother rolled down her window.
- You're sure you don't want me to come with you? asked Joyce.
- I'm fine, answered Jane, taking support on the car.
- Tell Max to send me a message when you're there, ok?
- Ok.
- (Jane begins to go away) Jane! called the mother.
- (turns around) Yeah?
- Have fun!
Jane smiled as a thank you and waved to her before continuing her walk. She was so stressed to do something stupid that she ran in the stairs to be there rapidly and knocked at the door. Max seemed as pressed as her because she quickly opened it.
- Hey Goblin!
- Hey Grumpy!
Max moved aside to let Jane entering before closing the door.
- What am I supposed to do? asked Jane.
- What...what? You do what you usually do, lightly chuckled Max.
- But, I'm not supposed to do something in particular?
- No, just be yourself.
- Ok, smiled the ex-prisoner. Oh! Before I forget, Joyce want you to tell her I'm here.
The redhead did it while Jane sat on the couch, putting her feet on the coffee table. Max had an amused sigh and sat next to her, very close.
- I'm not very good for date, pouted Max.
- It's already great, don't put pressure on you, being simple is good, I'm not the kind to do romantic thing by the way.
- Perfect, me neither!
- What are we gonna eat.
- You came here just for the food, stated the redhead with an amused.
- Of course! What else? joked the ex-prisoner.

Reintegration program - Elmax
FanfictionElmax story. This is not in the 80s, it' a certain time. Jane has no power. For those who had read my other book "My third life", some chapters will be a bit similar. And those who read "The new girl", you know Elmax won't happen before a few...