Chapter 67 : Party time

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Days passed. Jane stayed with Max and sometimes with Joyce. She spent majority of her time with Hopper, trying to find somewhere to live for the next year, but, with her nonexistent budget and her past, it was complicated. Max and Joyce both proposed her to accommodate her, but Jane wasn't sure, one hour in bus was long and it would tired her a lot. For now, they didn't find a real solution. But tonight, she took a break. Clara organized a party and invited the girl and her friends to come to have fun. Jane arrived with Max, Mallory and Clarissa. The four girls entered in the music and teens jungle, trying to find the others. When they saw them, Max realized that Jane wasn't there anymore.

- Where is she!? asked loudly the redhead because of the music.

- I thought she was just behind us! answered Mallory.

- God, I knew it was too soon!

- Relax! Maybe she got lost in the crowd! told Clarissa.

- Or maybe her old habits came back!

- Don't be such a pessimist! For now we don't know! Let's just find her! intervened Mallory.

Max went to Bev, Dustin, Lucas, Mike and Will to tell them they were looking for Jane who went away. All stood to help them except Mike who grumbled some inaudible things and stayed on the couch with his arms crossed. The group split and searched in the entire house, but still no Jane. Beverly decided to go in the garden, and finally saw her. She was talking with Clara, well, it was more like an argue than a pleasant conversation. The redhead didn't dare to approach them to not disturb them, but at least she wasn't drinking or smoking weed. The argue became more intense and out of anger, Clara pushed Jane in the pool and walked quickly away. Beverly didn't hesitate and run to the pool, remembering that her friend didn't know how to swim. When she arrived, she crouched and held out her hand at the girl who, in fact, knew how to swim. She helped her getting her out, and Jane laid down on the grass.

- You know how to swim!?

- Yeah, in five months I had the time to learn! But I still don't like water, answered Jane.

- Yeah, you prefer alcohol!

- Oh, haha, what a funny joke! mocked lightly the ex-prisoner.

- I'm sorry, I wanted to try, pouted Bev.

- It's fine, it comes from you so it's fine.

- I'm lucky, if it was Mike...

- He wouldn't be alive anymore.

Beverly chuckled and laid down next to her friend. They were now watching the stars, staying a bit far from the loud noise of the party.

- You know, Mike had been an asshole with you but, I think he is just jealous because, for him, you're not supposed to have what he has, you're not supposed to have the same friends as him, to go to school, and when he saw you having all of it, and even a girlfriend, he didn't understand why we liked you.

- He never thought it could have been because I'm not a complete dick!?

- I'm sorry, but you were a complete dick! stated Bev with a light tone.

- Yeah...true, pouted Jane.

- But, you were not mean, you were nice with people, you provoked only the ones who attacked you or your friends, that's why we like you, not just that obviously, but that's what I noticed first, and I liked that because, I knew we could always count on you, no matter what, and I was right because, after all of this shit that happened to you, you're still there with us, fighting for your life, showing everyone that you're not just an ex-prisoner, you're gonna be a dog trainer, a nice friend, a good girlfriend and I'm proud to call you my friend.

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