The car parked in front of the coffee shop. They couldn't see the girl working from where they were, which suited the redhead. The two girls went out of the car and bent at Joyce's window.
- If you need anything—
- I know, I call you, cut softly Max.
- Try to avoid bars and places like that, told Hopper.
- Don't worry, we'll stay at the coffee shop and maybe going directly at my apartment after, I don't have alcohol in there.
- Ok, good.
Max looked behind her to watch her girlfriend but the girl weren't there. She straightened and saw her going to the other side of the street.
- Jane! What are you doing!? asked Max.
Jane raised her hand to tell her to wait, and arrived near a chubby girl sat on a bench.
- Whoa! Crazy Jane is back!
- Yeah, you lost weight, I can't call you Fat Monass anymore!
- Things change!
- Yeah...What do you do now?
- I'm going in a school who teach how to cook, answered Mona.
- Oh, that's nice, pouted Jane.
- You?
- Teach dogs to help blind people.
- Oh, poor dogs.
- Fuck you, chuckled Jane, showing her middle finger to her.
Mona had an amused smile.
- She waited for you, that's great, don't ruin everything, people like that are more and more rare, told Mona.
- Yeah, I know, I'm lucky, I found the right people, said Jane.
- Definitely.
- So...we're good?
- Yeah, we're good.
Jane held out her hand which Mona took to shake. While all this conversation, Max was still not understanding.
- What is she doing? frowned the redhead.
- She is getting in peace with her past, smiled proudly Joyce.
After the handshake, Jane came back near the car. Max gave a small caress on her pink cheek, with a warm smile.
- You're alright?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Have fun, told Joyce.
The two girls waved to the car leaving them. Max took gently her girlfriend's hand and brought her inside the coffee shop.
- Mallory!?
- Jane!
The blonde girl stopped what she was doing and jumped in her friend's arms. Jane wrapped her arms around her but was frowning, not sure to understand it.
- Yes, it's her my roommate, told Max, seeing her girlfriend's face.
Jane relaxed her face to let place for a smile, and tightened the hug. The two girls stayed a moment like that, enjoying the moment, until Mallory broke the hug with tears in her eyes.
- You cry, stated Jane with a soft tone.
- No, it's fine, sniffed the blonde girl. It's just, when I think of everything, where we came from, what we suffered, what we had to do, it was unimaginable for us to be where we are now! I have a work, a safe place and you, you stopped alcohol and drugs!

Reintegration program - Elmax
FanfictionElmax story. This is not in the 80s, it' a certain time. Jane has no power. For those who had read my other book "My third life", some chapters will be a bit similar. And those who read "The new girl", you know Elmax won't happen before a few...