Chapter three - Farsight

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As they driving on the street full of trafic, Sister make a conversation with Jaune.

"Where i you from ?"

Questioned Sister

"Remnant, my home planet"

Anserwed Jaune

"Strange... I didn't heard about that is on there ?"

"Remnant is full of forests, lakes, rivers and so on, winter is cold, summer is hot, you know"

Anserwed Jaune. They drove in silence behind the other two vehicle of the patrol all the way until they arrived to the base.

 They drove in silence behind the other two vehicle of the patrol all the way until they arrived to the base

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In the bunkers Jaune saw the others fire warriors ready to fire at possible enemy. Three vehicles stopped before the gate. He saw Sha'ui reporting something on helm radio. Gate is opened before them,then they drive into the base. Jaune was speechless, in the base he saw many fire warriors, pathfinder's, kroot's and vespid's do their work, he saw some battlesuits training, air caste pilots checking their vehicle's, earth caste builder drone's is helping pilots with structure checking. They parked their vehicle's before HQ where O'Shovah is located. It appears this base didn't contain ground vehicle's as they parked on the field before the building. They exited the wehicle's and went through the automatic door in the building. The marched through many corridors and stopped before the door.

"Okay, we are here, don't worry, O'Shovah maybe is harsh but equitable"

Said Shas'ui the pushed the button on the side of the door.

"Shas'o, this is Shas'ui of patrol alpha-0-1, we bringed the gue'vesa".

"Gue'vesa may come in, you and your patrol wait him until we done".

Said the old voice from the speaker.

"Yes sir ! You heard him, come in"

Jaune came in the room that looked like a cabinet. Behind the table, sitting on the chair was no other than Shas'o O'Shovah, on the table there some sort of chip, one big holopad and the blueprint of unknown desagn. On the left wall is located is the largest sword that Jaune have ever seen.

 On the left wall is located is the largest sword that Jaune have ever seen

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O'Shovah first started the conversation

"My name is O'Shovah, but you can call me Farsight, I'm the commander of this faction. So it is you, the human that appears out of nowhere in the middle of the street. Tell me, there are is a reasonable answer, or you is just unlucky spy ?"

Questioned Farsight.

"I swear, i am not a spy, as for how i got here...i really don't know. I was running for my life from the pack of beowolfs before i found the odd looking structure, the hospital doctor named this structure a coalition center, i climbed in the hole, in the middle of this center for finding the cover. The hall sparks than before i can react, materialize a sphere that sucked me in, next thing i know, i was in the hospital."

Explained Jaune. Farsight was thinking, the coalition centers did have a sphere in the middle of it and all who dropped in this sphere is dissapeares from the face of the galaxy. Farsight noticed the strong eyes of the human, saw that determination. Farsight was living so long that he can remember, and knew what exactly Jaune's glance is, the glance of the leader, leader that can lead army's into battle and army's always be standing by his side. This opportunity cannot be wasted, so he says:

"I believe in your words human and i have a story to tell you. The T'au Empire expanded its borders so many times that i can remember, i was a commander of my squad on the planet full of orks. On the planet i found this sword 'the dawn', it is the sword of the great daemon from the warp that can sucking the life power, than give that power to the wielder. On the planet we lost many of the warriors with all ethereals. On this moment i saw the light, light that bring me on the right choice, i regroup all my follower's than ran to the outskirts of the galaxy. Do you know why tau follows the ethereal, the chemical dictatorship, the can spawned the feromons that can brainwashed other tau to do their will. We are the Farsight Enclave, fighting for our greater good, good that can make our species great, without dictatorship, without discrimination. I have a proporsal for you, join us and help lead your species and ours to victory"

Said Farsight. Jaune was thinking, these people didn't show him any bad but good, they don't treat him discriminationly just for a membership to the other race. Jaune was feeling that a word of Farsight are true. After that he decided.

"I will join you commander Farsight, i swear to you that i will fight for our freedom, fight for our idiology, i swear"

Jaune said

"Perfect, i want to know your name, soldier"

"My name is Jaune Arc"

(Sorry for the short chapter, i am kind of sick and im really, really tired. Please comment, do you like the story or not ?)

Jaune Arc of the Farsight EnclavesWhere stories live. Discover now