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"Stand in line",the coach said to the students.

Tryouts were on and every guy was excited. Jimin was silent and was looking down. He was in the corner.

He remembered everyone cheering for him, how everyone always said hi to him, and now no one noticed him.

Until he stepped up.

Everyone was shooting into the goal. The highest record was 20.... from Jungkook.

Jungkook loved hockey as much as Jimin did. Which was a problem.

It was now Jimin's turn to puck. He almost slipped on the ice. He heard snickers.

The coach nodded and Jimin started .

1st goal. 2nd goal. 3rd goal. and it kept going.

*puck, puck, puck*

"20th goal", every boy yelled.

Clang.,went Jimin's hockey stick in the ice.

"21!!!",Everyone screamed running to Jimin and give him high-fives.

Even someone said, "Your orange streaks look lit man!".

Jimin smiled. Maybe he did miss the attention.

Until he saw Jungkook. He knew he was in trouble. Because Jungkook had fire coming from his ears.

After tryouts
Jimin was rushing. Until it hit him. Well Jungkook's chest hit him. Jimin gulped, looking down.

Jungkook took Jimin's chin and pushed it up.

Then Jungkook smiled. Took Jimin to the corner of the locker room and slammed him.

"I-I'm sorry...Jungkookie please...",Jimin said tears falling while pleading.

Jungkook froze for a second.

That's when it happened.

Jungkook smashed his lips with Jimin's.

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