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Olivia and Trevor met up on Wednesday. They met up in Central Park to have a picnic and so the girls could possibly play together. Adalee and Ember are on the older side, but maybe talking to someone closer in age about losing their parents may help a lot. Olivia tries her hardest to help Adalee, but she still takes the loss of her father so hard.

"Ember is a little quiet and tends to try and hurt people because she doesn't want to talk about what happened," Trevor explained.

"I don't blame her," Olivia spoke quietly as she carried the blanket while Trevor carried the basket. Adalee and Ainsley were holding hands and walking beside Olivia, while Ember was walking behind them all. She didn't even make eye contact with Olivia when they first met.

They found a shaded area near the play equipment, and Olivia's girls ran to play while Ember sat down on the blanket as her father and Olivia got the stuff out.

"So, how are you, Ember?" Olivia questioned. She looked at Ember, but she didn't say a thing or even react as if she had heard Olivia.

"Em, please be polite and answer Olivia. She's just trying to get to know you." Trevor spoke, but Ember shook her head as she looked at her father.

"I don't want her to be my mom." She spat.

"She's not trying to be your mother, miss. She is just here to spend time with us. She lost her boyfriend in the same crash that took your Mommy's life." Trevor replied.

"I. Don't. Care!" Ember spat, before standing and running off towards the rocks. Trevor sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, and Olivia grabbed his wrist to stop him from walking towards his child.

"Give me a chance." She spoke.

"To talk to my kid? She is so dark and angry." Trevor replied.

"I was too when I was her age. Just give me a few minutes. Just keep an eye out on my girls."


Olivia climbed the rocks slowly before sinking down close enough to Ember that she could hear, but far enough away that Ember wouldn't have to make eye contact.

"Ember, I was there. I helped those that got hurt in the bus accident. I lost my boyfriend in the bus accident. Your father and I went through the same thing, so that's why we are eating lunch together. Why we are talking. We just want to discuss everything with one another because we know what the other one went through." Olivia explained.

"My mother was the absolute best. I don't want you around my father and I don't want you around me either. You can never replace my mother and your daughters will never be more than just two annoying babies." Ember huffed. Olivia swallowed hard as she looked down and saw where Trevor was tying Ainsley's shoes for her.

"I won't try to be your mother or be more than just a friend to your father. As long as you at least give me a chance. The five of us have gone through so much in the last 5 years. You lost your mother, who your father talks about with so much love. I lost my boyfriend and the father of my children. We are all hurt... we are all still grieving and will be grieving for some time. But we just need to work together to make it through." Olivia breathed.

She looked over at Ember as she tucked her black hair behind her ear, and Olivia stood before slowly walking back down the rocks. She was walking back to the blanket when Ember ran up and walked beside her.

"I need something from you," Ember mumbled.

"And what would that be?" Olivia questioned.

"I'm starting to get boobs and I need a bra. A training one. I don't want to tell my Dad, but as long as we are helping each other I need you to get me one." Ember whispered. Olivia nodded as she kept her face expressionless.

"After lunch."


Ember was still angry and distant after lunch, but she was a little less angry towards Olivia after she took her to get a training bra. They all walked back to their cars together, and Olivia stepped closer to Trevor and spoke.

"I did have a really good time with you today. You can make my girls laugh which is impressive. Maybe we could do this again soon." Olivia spoke.

"I'd like that. Your girls are sweet, and I'm sorry about my kid. She just hasn't been the same since her mother died." Trevor sighed softly. He left Ember by his truck before following Olivia a little bit further to her van.

"Losing a mother is a huge thing. Especially when you are a girl. She loves you, Trevor. But sometimes she may need a woman to talk to. I can be that for her. She's starting to go through puberty, Trevor. She is going to start needing things that will be awkward for you to buy." Olivia explained. Trevor's face went red as Olivia shut the door to her van once the girls were in.

"She's growing up too fast. She was just a little thing when her mother passed. Now she's going to get her period..." He trailed off before cringing.

"Adalee plays hockey. She is doing like a summer training camp and she has games every Friday night. It's usually just me, my mother, and Ainsley that go to the games. But would you and Ember like to join us this Friday? It's at that indoor ice rink by the mall." Olivia explained.

"What is it for us? Our third date?" Trevor joked.

"Uh, if you'd like..." Olivia trailed off. Trevor's eyes went wide before nodding slowly.

"Uh, we need at least 100 dates to be more than just whatever we are now. Okay?"

"I like moving at the speed of a turtle so that sounds good." Olivia laughed awkwardly. She reached out to shake his hand, but Trevor pulled her into a tight hug before kissing her hair gently.

"I'll see you on Friday then."

"I'll save you two a seat."

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