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Trevor took his daughter into the kitchen and forced her down onto one of the chairs that had been unpackaged. They had to wrap them tightly because they were chairs that Trevor had gotten from his grandparents, and he didn't want them damaged.


"Don't call me kid! Get me my phone back!" Ember yelled. Trevor shook his head as he leaned against the wall.

"Olivia is your stepmother. We decided to parent all three of you girls together, so what Olivia says goes. So you are grounded for a month if you decide I can make it two or three. You will respect Olivia and listen to her, and you will never lay a hand on her again. Do you hear me, Ember Marie?" Trevor spoke as calmly as possible. He was tired of yelling at his daughter, but he didn't need her to act out just because she wanted too.

"She isn't my mother! I don't need to listen to her!" Ember spat before standing quickly and making a run from the room. Trevor shook his head as he moved from the kitchen and went to go upstairs, but his wife stopped him.

"She's upstairs with Adalee. Just leave her alone. Nothing is going to get her to change her mind." Olivia frowned. Trevor saw that she had been crying, and he sighed.

"I'm sorry, Liv. I really am."

"You shouldn't be the one to apologize to me. Ember was the one who called me a bitch and pushed me. I've been called worse and I've been shoved around to the point where I've fallen and gotten hurt, but it still hurts because I love her and she will never love me."


Olivia made lunch for the girls before heading upstairs to tell them that it was time for lunch. She checked in on Ainsley but saw that she was no longer in her bedroom so she knew she had gone to be with her older sisters. Olivia opened Adalee and Ember's door before peeking her head in.

"Girls, I made lunch. Are you three hungry?" Olivia questioned, and Ainsley quickly climbed off of Adalee's bed before running to the door. She opened it quickly before clinging to her mother.

"Thanks, Momma." Ainsley smiled as she looked up.

"Oh, you are welcome, sweet girl." Olivia smiled. She kissed her daughter on the tip of her nose before sending her downstairs. Olivia opened the door the rest of the way before looking at the other two girls.

"Adalee, can you go downstairs? I need to talk to Ember real quick." Olivia spoke.

"I don't want to talk to you." Ember huffed, and Olivia sighed softly.

"Addie, give us the room," Olivia spoke. Adalee nodded slowly before standing slowly.

"Momma, she's sad," Adalee whispered.

"That's why we need to talk." Olivia breathed. She ruffled her daughter's hair before shutting the door. She walked over to where Ember was sitting and she squatted down in front of her.

"Ember, we need to talk. Because if we don't, everything is going to get so much worse for both of us."

"I don't love you, Olivia. I never will. You are a horrible person."

"Ember, being mean to me isn't going to get your father and I to break up. We are just going to fight harder and harder to stay together and to be happy. You can't decide what we do and what we don't do."

"My happiness means more than yours!" Ember spat, and Olivia stood before shaking her head.

"Your father and I love you, Ember. But we know that this is the right thing for our family."

"We aren't a family, Olivia!" Ember yelled.

"Okay. Well, your father, my girls, and I are a family. We are happy together. You just keep pushing yourself away from us all and making it all so much worse than it should actually be. There is a place for us all in this family, and you just need to find your place."

"Give me my phone back." Ember hissed, as she kept her head down to make sure that Olivia didn't see her crying.

"You aren't getting your phone back and you are still grounded for how you behaved. So, either get downstairs and eat your lunch or you won't be getting any." Olivia sighed softly. She moved from the room and stood outside of it for a few minutes, but Ember didn't follow.

She was feeling so lost in this moment because nothing was going to work... nothing but a divorce.


Trevor cleaned up after lunch before going back to unpacking. He opened the door to the laundry room to see if Olivia was in there, and he found her sitting against the wall with tears on her cheeks.

"Babe?" Trevor questioned, as he moved slowly towards his wife before sitting down beside her.

"Trevor, I tried to go up and talk to her. See if she cooled off a bit that maybe we'd be able to make things work... but nothing is going to work. It is so fucking stupid because I love being married to you. I love being your wife and I love how good you are with my daughters. I just wish I could be good with your child too."

"I'll figure this out," Trevor spoke, as he caressed Olivia's hair.

"It's like... I want a baby with you. But there is no chance in hell that another baby would be a good idea for this family." Olivia whispered.


"I thought I was pregnant... but then I got my period. I was so excited." Olivia whispered. She leaned her head against Trevor's shoulder.

"We can keep trying." He smiled.

"I think that maybe I should go stay with my mother for a bit... I know that you will be good with all three girls. I'll come by and seem them, but I just think that maybe Ember needs her space from me." Olivia breathed.

"You aren't leaving us, Olivia."

"Not for good, Trevor. My mom is living in my old house so I can just stay there with her."


"No, Trevor! I'm not giving up on us! It's just that maybe I'm the whole problem here. I'm trying my hardest, but this blended family isn't blending very well."

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