Chapter 1

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     Rock groaned as he opened his eyes. Another perfect day, in a perfect life... for most cats. Except for him. Cats all around him were immune to any kind of sickness, but they would have to wait and see about Rock. He was the only kit to have ever been /born/ in the Tribe of Endless Hunting. No one knew what would happen, but every cat was worried. What would happen when he... died? Would he be born in the world with living cats? Every cat could tell that he was getting bigger and older, while his brother remained the same size. But of course, he didn't know any of this. They were to afraid to tell him. They trained him as if he was in a regular, living, tribe. Broken Shadow had mentored him, at first. But when Half Moon died, she took over his training. When she was done with his training, he would be the best cave-guard /and/ prey hunter ever.

     Bright Stream came up and began grooming Rock. "Moooooom," He whined, "I can groom myself! I'm /twelve moons/."

    She snorted. "Prove it."

    He fluffed out his stone-gray fur. "See? Handsome."

    Bright Stream just shook her head and purring. Fluttering Bird, who had been with Bright Stream, laughed. "Ah, yes, flattering! The most handsome tom to live!"

    Rock sighed. "So, anyway. All these cats here- they all talk about 'living'. Their battle scars, how they were blind or deaf... I mean, that's all find and dandy, but then why aren't they still blind? How come no cat is blind, or deaf, or mute?"

    Fluttering Bird and Bright Stream exchanged a looked. Fluttering Bird flicked her tail. "Well..." Fluttering Bird mewed, "You see, this is the place that cats go.. after they die. They live here forever, or, well, until they fade. That's why it's never cold, there's always prey, and there isn't any sickness. When the cats die, all of their disabilities are cured. Gone. Forever. But..." She hesitated, sharing another glanced with Bright Stream.

   Rock cut in. "/But/ I was born here, so I'm living in a world for ancient dead cats?"

   Fluttering Bird snorted, her whiskers twitching with amusement.  "Who are you calling ancient?" Bright Stream just sighed - she didn't want to laugh at anything right now. Her kit's life - or, death, or whatever it is - was on the line, and they needed to know.

  "Maybe Half Moon knows more?" Bright Stream suggested.

   "Bright Stream, Half Moon doesn't know any more than we do," Fluttering Bird reminded her gently. "We've already asked.

    Bright Stream sighed again. "I know, I know. It's just stressful. Not knowing your kit's future? I mean, obviously, no one knows the future. But at least they know what will happen when their kit dies." Bright Stream's voice was obviously strained with fear and worry.

    "Don't worry so much Bright Stream," Fluttering Bird tried to reassure her. "We have plenty of time to figure it out. Even if we can't fix it, we'll at least be able to prepare him for what's to come." 

    To Rock, it was kind of obvious that they had forgotten about his. Why would they discuss how he will probably suffer from misery forever right in front of him? Slowly, he began creeping away. Suddenly, though, Fluttering Bird must've remembered him. "Oh! Rock! Do you, uh, have anything to add?" Her searching gaze was obviously worried, though she tried to hide it.

    Rock shook his head. "I just need some time to er- sleep." He began padding away.

    "Rock," Fluttering Bird mewed. "Your nest is right here. And, you just woke up."

    "I know that. And I know that too. I was going to sleep under a tree, in a nice, warm, sunny spot." He trotted away, thoughts reeling around in his head. Was he alive in the Tribe of Endless Hunting, so that he would die and be forced to... be dead in the living world forever? Or was he dead in the Tribe of Endless, so that he would come to life and be forced to live in the living world... forever. Where there was suffering, and starvation, and Hunger. Sickness, cold, war and endless heart breaking decisions. He curled up in a ball, pressing his face into his fur so that he wouldn't cry. No - he couldn't cry. If he was crying about this, he would be crying all the time in the living world, when he gets there - if he gets there. No, he had to be strong. For himself, for Bright Stream, for Fluttering Bird, for Half Moon... speaking of Half Moon, he was supposed to be training! But, why would he be training, if everyone was dead and there was always enough food? He sighed again, standing up. "Now where is Half Moon..." he murmured to himself.

     "Right behind you," And amused she-cat's voice mewed.

     Rock whipped around. "Half Moon!"

Born to the Stars: Book #1Where stories live. Discover now