Chapter 5

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Falling Bark's eyes widened. "Rock! Are you okay? I- I'll go get Half Moon, or Fluttering Bird! Or Bright Stream!"

"I- I'll be fine," Broken Rock mewed between coughs. But Falling Bark has already raced away.

"Help! Half Moon! Fluttering Bird! Bright Stream! Help me! Help him! It's Rock!" Falling Bark yowled, tumbling into their little discussion circle.

Bright Stream's ears perked up. "He? Is it Rock? What happened?!"

Half Moon took a calm approach, though worry shone in her eyes. "Falling Bark, slow down. Breath. What happened?"

Falling Bark gasped for breath then replied, "Its Rock! Broken Rock, Whatever. I was talking to him, trying to calm him down and then he began coughing!"

Fluttering Bird's eyes widened. Stepping forward, she mewed, "Lead the way." Half Moon nodded to Falling Bark, who began sprinting. All three cats followed. 

Broken Rock was laying on the ground, coughing up a storm. "Broken Rock!" Bright Stream rushed over to his side. "Are you okay?"

"I. Am. Fine," He coughed. 

Worry shone in Fluttering Bird's eyes. "I... don't think that you are. You certainly don't SEEM okay."

Half Moon bit her lip. And not just because Broken Rock was sick. "It's just a cold, I'm sure. He'll get over it soon," Half Moon mewed gently, trying to reassure them. 

Bright Stream and Fluttering Bird both looked at Half Moon, and then each other, in surprise. That wasn't like her. Usually the she-cat would be head over heels about taking good care of Broken Rock. Why was she acting strange?

Leaving Bright Stream with Broken Rock and Falling Bark, Fluttering Bird pulled Half Moon to the side.

"Yes, Fluttering Bird?" Half Moon mewed. There was barely a hint of worry in her mew. It sounded... tired.

"Are you alright?" Fluttering Bird's voice was strained. "You don't sound as concerned as you usually would."

Half Moon sighed. "I know. But Fluttering Bird," Her eyes seemed to stare deep into Fluttering Bird, "If Broken Rock is sick, what will it mean for the rest of the Tribe of Endless Hunting?" 

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