Chapter 2

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     Half Moon purred. "That's me! So, ready for training?"

     Rock nodding, contemplating whether or not he should tell Half Moon that he knew he wasn't... dead? It still made no sense to him - and apparently it didn't make sense to anyone else, either. Finally, he decided to break the silence. "So, uh? What training are he doing today?"

     Half Moon frowned a bit, biting her lip. "I wanted to try something new today... but I don't know if you're ready for it..."

     Rock unsheathed his claws. "I'm ready for anything that you throw at me!"

     She shook her head. "No, I mean, the information you would have to know-"

     Rock frowned. "You mean about how no one knows what's going to happen to me? Like when I die? Or live? Or however I'm going to leave this place? Or if I'm just going to get older forever? And even you don't know the answers to these questions?"

     Half Moon took a half step back. "Tribe is Endless Hunting! How do you know? Did Fluttering Bird Tell you? Oh, of course she did! Sometimes she still acts like a kit!" Under breath, she muttered, "She should learn to keep her mouth shut."

Rock just shook his head. "No... it's my fault. I asked about it."

Half Moon scoffed. "What? You just happened to ask if you were in a place with dead cats?" 

Rock shook his head. "No. I asked why cats always talk about being dead, or blind or /mute/. But yet they're still talking to me."

Half Moon frowned. "Oh. So it was your fault."

His pelt bristled. "My fault? My fault for what?"

"For asking about it, and making Fluttering Bird give you answer.

He scoffed. "Oh, yes. It's my fault for wanting to know about my own future. It's /my fault/ wondering whether I was currently dead or alive. It's /MY FAULT/ THAT MY DAD WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO TELL ME MOM TO ATTACK AND EAGLE WHILE SHE WAS EXPECTING ME, CAUSING ME TO GET INTO THIS WHOLE MESS IN THE FIRST PPACE?  Isn't it, O Wise One?" He snarled, seething, tail lashing.

Half Moon looked taken a back. "No! Rock! I never said that! It's just- you found out so soon.."

"And you even have to make sure that everyone knows I'm different. So you give me a weird name- Rock. I get it. My life is reversed. So in the living world, I'll be there forever and forever, like a Rock. But you could've at least give me a normal name! Maybe something like Broken Rock - to signify all the pain that I'll have to go through!" He growled. "Yes, call me that, please do! It's more fitting, and doesn't make me stand out as much! Tribe of Endless Hunting, why can't I be normal? Like my brother? At least he gets a normal name," He scoffed. "From now on I will respond to Broken Rock, and nothing else." With that, he whipped around and sprinted away.

As he was running, though he almost ran into Bright Stream. "Oh, uh, Bright Stream," he laughed   Nervously. Bright raised her catbrow. "Yes, Rock?

"Well apparently your son has decided that his name is now Broken Rock," Half Moon mewed, annoyed, coming behind Broken Rock as she always seemed to. "He said he wanted a normal name and he gave himself one."

Bright Stream licked her son's head. "Aww. Don't feel bad - it was a special name for a speci-"

"Oh Tribe of Endless Hunting! Just be /quiet for once/, Bright Stream! Has it ever crossed your mind, that maybe I don't want to be 'special'. Do you want to switch roles?"

"I would switch roles to save my kit - you - from the pain," She mewed, lifting her chin a bit. "You May feel alone, Rock - or, Broken Rock - But you don't have to. We'll always be here for you if want us." 

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Rock huffed. "I really could care less, you know that, right? All you've done is make my life worse."

Bright Stream's eyes widened. "I can't believe you actually wou-"

Rock smirked. "Oh, what? You thought was your precious bean who couldn't possibly do anything wrong? You can't believe that I would actually, maybe, speak the truth for once? That I absolutely hate you, and Fluttering Bird And Half Moon, And Dad! Tribe of Endless Hunting I'm glad he's still alive. 'Cause if he was dead, I would have to put up with his every day, and I'd be even angrier than I am now." 

Bright Stream just looked at her paws for a second. "Right," she muttered as she turned around and slowly began padding away.

Broken Rock scoffed at her as she left. "Have fun."

Broken Rock did not regret anything that he said. His mother was annoying. Fluttering Bird was annoying. Half Moon was also annoying. At least Fluttering Bird had a sense of humor sometimes. Scowling, he made his way over to a tree, and began clawing it. "Stupid Bright Stream," He muttered bitterly before clawing the tree. He repeated his many times, but alternating between Bright Stream, Fluttering Bird, and Half Moon. "I swear, one day, I'm going to kill them all!" He shouted as fiercely began clawing at the tree as hard, and as fast he could, scoring deep claw marks into it.  

Born to the Stars: Book #1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora