The Last City

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I was born in the Last City. We are the only city that stands. I mean there are other small towns out there, but the brave only live out there. They also go against the word of the vanguard. The Traveler sits right above us. My mother said it picked this spot to protect us and give light to the guardians, so that they can protect the galaxy and us. I have never been threw the wall before. I have always wanted to see the mountains up close. Walk threw forests. I know I sound silly but I have always just wanted those things. "Ember!" I shake my head and look over at my mother. "Sorry mom, I was just day dreaming" she lets out a small laugh. "It's alright dear. Can you just finish up the center piece for the Vanguard Ikora?" I smile   know that Ikora always orders fresh flowers from us all the time. Just so she had a piece of freshness with her. We own a small shop on the north side of the city. "And also could you bring it up to the tower? My badge is on the counter when your done." I smile and grab the badge "Absolutely mom, I'll grab some lunch on my way back." She yells from the back "Alright have fun love!" I walk out the front door and grab my bike. I feel my ghost appear. "So we are going to the tower eh?" I laugh. "Yes we are Scarlet. Now please hide before someone sees you." I say in a hushed tone. I feel her vanish in her light. Put the flowers in the front basket. I always wrapped them in a fabric not plastic. Ikora always was our best customer. Lilies were her favorite. So that's why I pay extra attention to them. I hop on my bike. "Hey Ember!" Our neighbor Ms.Ruby shouted at me. I wave "Good afternoon Ms.Ruby." I smell in the city air. I smell ramen and other spices. I pass by some kiddos playing with fake guns. Playing like they were guardians. I laughed to myself. I love this city. I continue to peddle towards the tower. The further I went the more fresh the air got. I get up to the gate there were some guards there. "Afternoon ma'am." "Hello. I'm here to drop off some flowers for Ikora Ray" He looks me over. "Badge?" I hand it to him from around my neck. "Looks good. Just take the elevator up." He points to it behind him. "Thank you." I set my bike against the wall. I walk up the elevator. I look up the wall.
Wow this is amazing.
I press the button and it's dings. I step in with flowers in tact. The glass door shuts and shoots up the wall. I look in awe. I see the mountains in the distance.
Just beautiful.
I feel the door behind me open there was the hangar. Ships and guardians all around. I see a women working on a ship. I walk over to her "Excuses me" she jumps "Dammit!" And drops a wrench. She looks around the ship. "Sorry you scared me" I smile "Where can I find Ikora? The vanguard?" She rubs her head where she hit it on the ship. "Walk up the stairs, threw the courtyard and right in the middle is a set of stairs go down them and there should be a big table. Your vanguards are there." She picks up her wrench that she had. I stand there just admiring the vast hangar. "First time?" She stands beside me. "Yeah and it's just the city is so different from up here" She lets out a laugh. "I remember my first time up here to" I remember the flowers I'm holding on to. "I'm Ember. It was nice to meet you. I'll stop on my way out to chat more. I just have to drop these off to Ikora Ray. So I'll be right back!" I run over to the steps. "Alright! I'm
Amanda by the way!" I walk up them and wave to back to her. I enter the court yard and see the beauty of the tower. There was grass and trees. Also venders for the guardians. I walk I over to where Amanda said there was stairs. They were right where she said. I walk down them gently. Walked around a wall and there I seen the big table but with only one vanguard standing there. There was a big man in the hall. "Why hello there!" He said loudly. "Hi" I say quietly. "First time here?" He said a little quieter. "Ahh yeah. I have to drop these flowers to Ikora." He points to the table. "You can drop them off at Vangurad table. I'll see you on the way out.." he was extremely friendly. "I'll see you then.." I give him a smile. I walk down the hall more. Take more steps to the table. One vanguard was here. They were standing with their back facing me. I walk over to the table. There were maps on it. They turn around and set their hands on it. "Dammit! Where in the hell is this stash and loot." I jump back, he whips his head up. I wave and feel heat travel up to my cheeks. I know I'm blushing. "I'm sorry to startle you. I was just looking for Ikora." He stands up then I can get a really good look at him. He's an Exo. The most handsome exo I have seen. He has a horn that comes outta his forehead. I've always been interested in exos. Like if they feel anything or emotions. "Ahh. She is out with her warlocks at the moment. Is there anything I can help you with?" I fiddle with my fingers. "Can you just give these to her?" I push the flowers towards him. "Yeah sure thing." I turn around to head out. "Thank you" i wonder what his class is. "Wait!" I turn back around and see him walking up to me. "I've never seen you around here before. First time?" I think I see a smile or a smirk. I can't really tell. "Yeah it's absolutely beautiful up here. Always wanted to see the mountains from up here" he looks surprised. "Well if ya ever need to see them closer I could take you." Wait he just met me and he is already taking a stranger to another place?
Uhh.. I don't even know you, but I'd like to.
I smile, I look at him. He's closer now. I didn't even notice. Wow he is really something. I never thought I'd be interested in a exo. I hear others always talking about them. How they aren't human and they shouldn't be here. "Miss?" I blink a few times. "Huh? Oh I'm sorry. Yeah I'd love to. I'm Ember by the way." He puts his hand out "Cayde-6. Just call me Cayde or whatever you want" I take it and shake it.
Whoa is that suppose to happen?
I think he felt it to. I blush. "That never happens when I shake other peoples hands." He chuckles.
Damn, I wanna hear that again.
"So, Ember. What a lovely name, when do you wanna go out then. You'll be ok with the best Hunter there is."
Oh so he was a hunter. Huh, that's what my brother was. He was a light bearer as well.
He was a cocky one. I think if I could see his face he'd be smirking. "The best hunter you say? I think I'd have to see to believe Cayde" I smirked back at him and held out the C in his name a little longer. "Your on missy"
Maybe he could help me with my ghost problem.

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