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It was closing time at the shop. We have one customer left over. Sam headed out because he was called to a patrol in the EDZ. "Hey honey why don't you go relax. I got the rest." I yawned "hey Em you have a incoming call." I run over towards the stairs. "Thanks mom. Love you!" I run up them "love you to!!" She yells. "Alright go ahead." I tell scar. "Hey there's my guardian!" I blush at Caydes comment. "Hello Cayde" I hear him dropping things in the back. "You ok over there?" I smile "uhhh.. yeah I'm good just got done looting. Was think I'd call you on my way back to the tower."
How sweet of him.
I blush even harder. "Thanks. I could always use a friend" he curses under neath his breath. "Cayde? Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'm good. All better..." he sighs "so have you thought about where you wanna be if you decide if you wanna become a guardian?" I think I know where but I'm scared. "Yeah but I'm just nervous what if this isn't for me?" Cayde chuckles "I wasn't sure when I first started Ember. I just got the hang of it after awhile." I smile and run my fingers threw my hair. I walk up to my room. "I wanna be a hunter, just like you" I hear him go silent. "Ahh Cayde?" He comes back in "yeah! Sorry about that. Just was extremely happy you decide to go with my class." I blush. I know he'll teach some hunters to be some of the best. "Hey Ember?" "Yeah Cayde?"
"Can I take you out when I get back to the tower?" My heart picks up. I'm speechless. "Uhh.. yeah that sounds awesome"
What do I wear? My hair how does it need to be done. My first date!
"You sure you wanna go with me?" I giggle. "Of course I do!" I know he's smiling. I can pick up on Caydes emotions pretty quickly. "Alright. I'll be there in an hour." I look at the time, alright I got plenty of time. "Be careful.. I'll see you when you get here"
"I'm always careful! Well sometimes. See you in a second" Scarlet ends the call. I hop off my bed and sort threw my clothes. "What to wear! Scar help me!" She floats around our room like crazy. Then looks at me and stops. "I like what you got on. Or the white eyelet dress. That's always cute. It summer go a little crazy!" I love scar when she is comfortable. She always this loving ghost. If she was human. She'd be one of my best friends. I mean we're always together. I put the white dress on that scar was talking about. It show some of my curves and a little cleavage.
Am I goin to far?
"No your just fine!" I give her a small laugh. "Thank you" I go into the bathroom and curl my hair. Which takes forever. I do my make up. It's just a natural look. I look up at the time at its 8:30. Just in time. I look out at the street I see a lonely hunter waking my way. I see some kids run up to him. They know who he is. I hear them being all excited. Asking Cayde tons of questions. I walk down the stairs. "How do I look mom?" She stops and look at me. I see some tears form. "You look beautiful Ember." I walk over to her to give her a hug. I hug her as tight as I can. "I love you. I won't be out to late" Scarlet appears. "I won't let her be out to late Pam. Ghosts promise." She smiles. "Alright you go have fun" I kisses my forehead. "Later mom" I walk out the door and still see Cayde with a whole bunch of kiddos. "Alright kids. Caydes gotta go." They all pout at him and he waves them off. I see he has his armor on. I don't care if he's an exo. He's a handsome one. He looks over at me and stops. "Wow.. look at you" he whistles "I'm a lucky exo tonight!" I put my finger up to my lips "shhh we do have neighbors Cayde." He chuckles. "I'm sorry. I'll be more quite. But you do look beautiful" I blush and kick my foot at the ground. I'm not use to so many compliments. "Thanks, you clean up pretty good to" I motion at his gear. "This is all
I wear. I mean I could just wear something more casual. But what's the fun in that?" I look at him with a smirk "I'd pay to see you in just jeans and a white shirt" he looks at me funny. I start to walk towards the tower. "Really? Huh I might have to" I feel him lightly bump me "you really wanna start that?" He chuckles and does it again. "Just you wait Mr" I'm getting more comfortable with Cayde but I still get butterflies in my stomach when I look at him. "It's Mr.Cayde-6 to you." I look up at the sky the sun is just starting to set. It was a beautiful night. "So where are we going?" "We are going to see them mountains you wanted to see." We stop at the gate to go to the other side of the wall. "Ready?" I shake my head in excitement. He chuckles and opens the door to the other side. There's nothing but grass and trees. I step out. It goes on forever. I see a river and the mountains. "Wow, I've never seen so much grass and trees!" I feel free out here. Maybe if I do become a guardian I can explore more. "Well let's see more" he goes into the middle of the field and summons a ship.
Whoa. Never been close to one of them. Always see them in the sky.
He jogs back over to me. "I'm ready to explore if you are" he holds up his hand. I take it. "With you Cayde? Always" We start to walk towards his ship. He still holding my hand. I feel so nervous now because he's so close to me. "Adventure awaits us Em. We can go where ever you like" we stop right before entering. "I'm so ready"
Here we go.

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