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I wake up the next morning with sun light hitting my face. I didn't wanna get up but I knew I had to. I have to open up shop, so Mom can get a few more hours of sleep. I put on a sun dress that's full of sunflowers. My favorite flower. I go down stairs to brew some coffee for Mom and I. I grab a orange off the counter and sit at the table to eat it. I know Scarlet is as scared as I am. "Hey Ember?" I look up and there she is. Speak of the devil. "Yeah?" She floats around the room just checking things out. "There is someone around us with a ghost. I can feel it." I giggle " I think it's your imagination Scar" She gets real close to me. "No, ever since I have bumped into Sundance. I have something that can detect my surroundings." I look up at here with a questionable look. "How did that happen?" She scans me with a beam of light "Scar what did you just  do?" She is being extremely weird. "I took your vitals, your as healthy as a horse." I smile and giggle. "Well thats helpful." I hear the coffee pot ding. I get up and grab my favorite mug. Put some coffee in it and some sugar. That's all it needs. "You ready to open shop Scar?" She floats towards the stairs. "All ready captain" I head down stairs and instantly smell all the flowers in the shop. It always makes me smile. I go and unlock the front door for the customers that come in. I go into the back and get all the orders from the fridge and bring them to the case out front. Scarlet always follows me around. She has done this since I was little. She knows she's ok in the shop and in the apartment. It's just, I don't want people to think I'm just abusing my guardian powers? If that's what it's called? I sigh. I see Ms.Ruby across the street sitting in her patio. I grab some random flowers and put them into an arrangement into a vase. I put a bow on it and bring it out to Ms.Ruby. She always use to watch me as a kid when mom worked a lot around festival times. "Hey Ms.Ruby!" She is sipping on coffee and her kitty is out with her. "Well good morning my beautiful flower!" I smile "I brought you these thought to make your day a little brighter" I put them on her table. "There you are" she smiles "Thank you my dear. They are beautiful" She looks behind me. "She is, isn't she?" I know exactly who it was. I turn around and see my favorite titan. My friend Sam. I grew up with him. His mom and mine are best friends. "Sam! Your back!" I run over to him. Give him the biggest hug. He chuckles. "Hey there Ember" I breath in his scent. "Hey Sammy" He lets me go. "How have you been?" I play with my fingers. "I've been good. Keeping up with mom" He is wearing all new gear. Looks bigger and more handsome. Bet all the hunters are on him. "That's good to hear Em." I start to walk with him down to the shop. "See you later Me.Ruby." I wave and Sam does as well. Sam and I walk quietly to the shop. Feels good that he's here. Missed my best friend. "So anything new?" I sigh "Yeah a lot actually, I have a meeting with Ikora." He stops "what?" He looks surprised. "They know?" I kick at the ground. "I talked with Amanda and Cayde-6. It was secretly. Of course" He shakes his head. "Can you really trust Cayde? Or Holliday?" I shake my head yes "Yeah. I mean Caydes a vanguard. He said he wouldn't tell Zavala or anyone else." He looks pissed off. "Ember. It's against the law if you have a ghost and don't serve for the traveler." My heart starts to race. "Ok look, It happens when I was 8 for crying out loud. You got yours like a year ago and you instantly went to enlist." He shakes his head and sighs. "Yeah I know.. I'm sorry I shouldn't get so pissed off, just please be careful?" I stop in front of him to make him stop walking. "I will. I promise" I always feel so small next to him. He's so much taller with all his armor. "Maybe they'll make you a titan like my self." I shake my head "You titans are full of your selfs aren't you? I'd like to be a hunter" he rolled his eyes. "Hunters are very.." I put my hand up "Stop it right there. We are the best"
I'm putting my self as a hunter. I don't.. shit..
He smirks and chuckles. "Alright then my hunter friend." We get to the shop I open the door. Mom is at the counter. Looking threw a magazine. "Hey mom, I brought you a customer!" She looks up "Well if it isn't my favorite guardian!" She hops off the stool and come gives Sam a hug. "Hey Pamela.." she kisses his cheek. "I was wondering when you'd come back" she laughs. "Well I miss my two favorite people in the world." Mom always being mom. "You want some breakfast?" She asks him. "Love to" we put the lunch time sign up even tho we just opened. We all head up stairs.

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