3- Homose-I mean homosapiens

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Merry Christmas! Or Hanukkah! Or if you celebrate this day with any other festivity! If you don't, have a good day!
I know not more than 5 people read this, but I felt like publishing a kind of like a Christmas chapter. It isn't Christmassy at all, but takes place on the 25th so...
(By the way all the drama starts kicking in in two or three chapters, I didn't think the beginning would take so long)

Roger's P.O.V.

25th December 1964

Fuck, a week has passed since Mr Perfect moved in. A day since I started to feel weird in my stomach and hours since I've been depressed. I wasn't a sad guy, just neutral. There were little things that made me happy, like playing drums, music or just being alone for a while. But there where even more things that made me mad. Mum says that I have anger issues, that I have to try to calm down when I get angry, because I can't think straight and I can do things I regret later. Like punching through a drum. But this time it wasn't just a silly reason, something that I could brush off later easily, this time it was something big, which would have consequences I wasn't mentally prepared to face just yet. This time it was about Brian, he was visiting Chrissie for Christmas.

Brian and I had been hanging out during the week. We weren't friends yet but I knew him better. I was right about him, he wasn't completely perfect (which was a relief) but he was still perfect. It was weird, I couldn't really explain it, but it was like those imperfections didn't affect to the fact that he was still perfect. I think he's going to drive me mad.

And I knew Brian was visiting Chrissie because he asked me to show him places where he could get her something, exited for the first visit to her now distance girlfriend. I couldn't blame him, the girl was pretty, but she was no Brian. That was what confused me, I liked Brian, but I still found girls attractive, meaning I wasn't gay, but I wasn't straight either. What was I, then?

My thoughts were interrupted by Brian's car. I knew it was Brian's, well from the Mays, because it was the only noise you could hear at 7 a.m.. Not that I was spying on them, but my body didn't seem to like sleeping today. I had woken up at 6 am. 6 am. I never woke up that early, what was happening to me?

_ _ _ _ _ _

Brian's P.O.V.

The ride to Hampton was eternal. I had brought my camera and the present I got Chrissie. It wasn't much but I hoped she'd like it. Roger had helped me choose, he showed me places to get this things and he got me the little penguin pin I wore in my coat. I didn't have anything for him, so maybe I'd go for a walk around the town before going back to London, who knows if I can find him anything.

The car stopped and soon enough I was in the house with Chrissie, we had had lunch with her parents and mine. They had just sent us up to her room so they could talk about their things in peace.

"I missed you, Bri" she said. I smiled and sat closer.

"I missed you too, Chris" I said.

She moved and sat facing me "Well" she started, excited "How was it? Being away all alone I mean"

"Not as bad as I thought" I admitted "You were right, it wasn't that bad"

Chrissie put on a more serious face, in all the years I had known her I hadn't seen her change mood so quickly "Did you make any friends?" she asked. I wasn't offended by her question, but quite proud. I did make friends.

"Yes! He's Roger, the neighbour" I smiled talking about him. He was a good lad, better than many 'friends' I've had in the past, even though something told me that Roger had even a tougher time building a friendship.

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