6- The foreigner

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It's been three weeks or more.. I'm sorry, there's no excuse. Hopefully today I can manage to write another chapter... Enjoy!

The Voyager's POV is the 3rd person POV. I like to call it that

A week after

Voyager's P.O.V.

"Are you sure he'll be okay?" she asked. The mere thought of what they were about to do was upsetting "I mean, we had to take him to the hospital last week-"

"Don't worry, love. He's okay now, the doctor's checked a thousand times. And you know he won't be alone" her husband reminded her. It wasn't that he didn't care about his son as much as his wife, he was hurting too but they needed to leave him behind for a very few days. Their attention was required somewhere else "You know the Mays are fantastic, and their son and Roger get along very well, I have a feeling their friendship is going to last"

She nodded one last time and turned off the little lamp on her nightstand, curling onto the arms of the one that always comforted her. They both relaxed and waited for sleep to catch them.

_     _     _     _     _

The morning had been just like any other, if you didn't count on the constant tension on the room. Roger knew something was going on, his parents weren't that awkward with him. Even less during this past week and a half. He hadn't been able to breathe since the quick trip to the hospital. He knew that was because they cared, but it was a bit annoying.

His dad cleared his throat. They were sitting on the kitchen table having breakfast. It was Saturday so he didn't have school and his dad didn't work "Roger. Your grandma is ill.." he started. The rather harsh start had Roger staring at both of them with wide eyes "She's okay, nothing serious. She didn't feel too well yesterday and she went to the hospital. It turned out to be pneumonia. She'll be there for two days and then she'll go home again, the doctor wants to make sure she's okay before sending her home"

The blonde boy still didn't believe his ears. Back when he was smaller he lived in Truro, with his grandma. They were really close, and they visited her frequently, he loved her a lot "Just pneumonia then... She's really okay, it's not a lie" he asked with a firm voice. He wanted to know the truth even if it hurt. 

"Its only that, sweetie" his mother reassured "The only problem is that we have to go to take care of her this week.. until she feels good enough" 

The drummer nodded "That's okay. I'll get to be with her and skip school" he smirked "Fantastic!" he grinned.

"That's not happening. You'll be with the Mays while we're out, Rog"

Roger's face was enough for everyone to know how much of a bad idea he thought that was. He was glad he got to be with Brian a whole fucking week, but he didn't really know Brian's parents. Yes, his mother and Brian's mother had known each other for a long time, and yes they were kind humble people but... "With Brian's parents?" he got up to leave his mug on the sink.

His father copied him "Yes. Come on, they're good" he raised his eyebrows to his son.

"I know but.. where will I sleep?"

"On the guest room, Rog. You're a guest, right?" his mother joined in the conversation "We still have two days to discuss that with them. We'll be leaving on Monday morning, so when you come from school you'll go directly to their house" she ruffled his hair, getting an annoyed look from his son, who tried to fix his shoulder long blonde hair.

_    _     _    _     _

Everything was packed. Well, not everything, but the main clothing and items to survive. The blonde wasn't really ready to return to school, not mentally at least. 

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