Chapter 3

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Light swept through the curtains and I shifted into a state of consciousness due to my alarm. Today was the day, the day I had been dreading for just over a month now.

God I was dreading today. I still am. Today is the first day of my senior year for highschool. My last year at school then I'm free. God I'll be free. Just the thought of being free of that school and everyone in it gives me a temporary sense of relief.

God, it's almost over and then I'll be free. It honestly can't come sooner but I know I must wait. It's just one more year. I can do it. I know I can. I've gone long enough and I need to go just a little bit longer. I know I can do it.

I get out of bed room and shower before I put on my uniform that I had previously taken out the night before. I brush my hair and teeth before looking in the mirror.

I see my small frame staring back at me. I was back in my uniform and I had told myself an abundance of times that I could go to school today. That I could battle through one more year but seeing myself back in my uniform. My deep blue blazer, almost black, covering my school shirt and grey skirt. I broke down into tears. I couldn't help myself. Everytime I wore this uniform, everytime I went to school nothing good ever happened for me.

I hear my mom call me down for breakfast and immediately try build a barrier to prevent the tears from further pouring out my eyes. I went to the bathroom to splash water on my face and hide my puffy eyes.

I was good at this.. hiding the tears. It was something I had to learn quickly over the years because I know that nothing good ever happens when you cry. In fact, it makes it worse. It shows weakness and people like to take advantage of weakness. I don't want to look weak and I don't want to be taken advantage of.. atleast not more then I already am.

I exited the bathroom and went down to the kitchen. I greeted my mother and quickly ate breakfast before heading out to catch the schoolbus. My mother wished me luck for my first day of senior year of highschool, gave me some lunch money and a kiss on the forehead before I headed out.

I had just gotten outside when the bus arrived and quickly made my way towards it just making it inside before the doors closed. The roudy bus didn't notice my presence as I got on to which I was thankful for.

I don't bother looking for a seat next to anyone. It wasn't worth my time and honestly the place where I sat down at is the safest. It's my place and I know this because I know no one else will take it.

You see the school bus has a system. You might think that first come, first serve decides who sits where. That's how it works for public transport. Just sit where there's space. Stand if you have to but for the school bus it's different.

The closer you were to the back the higher popularity and status you had. If you were near the back, you were lucky. You were known and could talk with those at the back but you weren't at the same level as those who sat at the back.

This middle was kind of for people who where neither popular but they weren't complete nobody's either. They had their friends but it's not like they owned the unspoken hierarchy system. Some might say it was best to be in the middle. It was where no one really bothered you but you still had your friends.

The front section of the bus was for the nobodys. Although it was not as big as the other two groups it was a were the academic students were or the ones that blended into the background. Although it tended to get a bit lonely at times, they often had each other.

Either way, they weren't at the bottom. That position was taken by no other then me. That's where I sat in the bus. In the the front. I often envied those in the front because at least no one bothered them. They blended in and that was something I yearned to be able to do often.

The bus makes a couple more stops before arriving at the school. I quickly grab my bag and try to slip out the bus undisturbed by unwelcomed guests. I successfully managed to escape unscathed and speed walk to the classroom before anyone can stop me.

I find my registration class for the year and I enter the classroom and immediately go to my desk which is on the right of the classroom, second row to the back. I release I breath of relief that I didn't even realise I was holding.

Everyone else was out in the school grounds and quad aside from four others who were in the classroom with me. They however soon left to join everyone outside to lounge at the tables and catch up with their friends.

Once alone, I got up from my desk to check the list of names to find out who else would be in my class and my heart nearly skipped a beat as a got to a certain name.

She was in my class again this year. The girl that had caused me so much misery in my life. She was in my class again and not just her but some of her friends too along with her boyfriend too.

My breathing became uneven I went and sat down at my desk to try and calm down and steady my breathing. I hoped I could calm down but the sitting only made me more restless and paniced.

I was hoping so strongly that she wouldnt be in the same class as  me this year. I pleaded that  the universe had made a mistake and I could spend my last year  of highschool without her in my class. The bell rang while I was having my mini panic and people started entering the classroom in ones and twos.

The teacher, Mr Jeon, came in and just as he was going to greet the class and introduce the official start to the new school year, she and some of her Posey entered the classroom.

Chaeyoung enters first followed by Lisa, Kunpimook, Seonghwa, Chittaphon and Rosé. They all sit down near the back of the classroom and that's when she enters.

Miss goddess of them all. The one who's tourmented me for years casually strolls into the classroom chewing a piece of chewing gum and holding the hand of her boyfriend.

Mr Jeon greets them, "Good Morning, Mr Kang Daniel, it's good to see you again this year, and you too Miss Park Jihyo."

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