Chapter 2

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Once at my house, I collect my suitcase and any last minute items. I make sure I have everything and when I'm satisfied with everything, Nayeon and I head to the front lawn to meet my driver out side.

It hits quarter to twelve as we arrive at the spot where I am due meet my parents for lunch with Nayeon at one meaning we have an hour to kill before we see them. Nayeon and I decide to just order a coffee while we wait.

We both order Americanos and found a seating area for four. The coffees arrive and we talk about the normal day to day things. I was doing well but as it's gets closer to one o' clock the more I wish that the lunch can just be over.

I unconsciously start fiddling with my fingers on the edge of the table. Nayeon notices my changing mood and leans forward to hold my hands and settle them on the table, effectively preventing me from fiddling and to keep them still.

"Sana, you'll be ok," Nayeon says in a caring voice. I look down, not wanting to look at her in the eyes and decide to watch as Nayeon's thumb gently caresses the back of my hands.

"Sana, look at me."

I don't listen to her the first time and continue to look down. "Look at me, Sana." She takes her other hand that isn't holding my hands and gently lifts my chin so that I can look at her in the eyes.

"Look Sana, I know why you're upset but don't worry. I'm here and as long as I'm here, nothing bad will ever happen to you," Nayeon assures me.

She knows what's bothering me. We've known each other long enough for her to know and I'm grateful that she's here for me. I calm down and we finish our coffee, continuing with our conversation.

As one o' clock comes my parents enter the restaurant like they said. Punctual as ever.

They walk through the fancy restaurant and make their way to our table. Nayeon and I stand up and I greet them with a rehearsed hug and kiss on the cheek while Nayeon shakes each of their hands. We sit down. Me and Nayeon on one side and my parents on the other.

A waiter comes to greet us. His name is Hansuke and he seems to be in his mid thirties. He gives us our menus and leaves us to allow us to look through it. After a few minutes he returns to take our orders.

Everyone gives him their orders and I order a soft tofu stew. He writes them all down on his notepad before giving us a bow and walking off to give the order to the kitchen.

The table is silent and my breathing becomes uneasy with what might come next. Nayeon is the first one to break the silence. She clears her throat and asked my parents how they have been.

They say they have been well and the conversation moves along steadily. I avoid the speaking and allow Nayeon to do the talking. That is until my parents notice how I haven't said much since they arrived.

"Sana, you haven't said much," comments my mother.

"I think we should discuss the reason we are having this lunch together," added my father. I just kept quite and just nodded my head once.

"So, you girls are heading to Korea today," states my father. I guess this is how he's going to start his talk. "I can safely presume you both are all packed up and ready to go?" It is more of a question then a statement.

"Yes, you can," I assure him.

"Good and you sure I can't convince you to allow Akio to come with you again this year?" and that is the one out of the two things I knew he would mention.

Akio, the bodyguard, was almost as stuck up as my parents. He lived his life by the book and followed the rules and by rules, I mean whatever my parents told him to do.

He was in his thirties and for him the world was black and white and basically his job was just to follow me around at college and tell my parents my whereabouts.

"Dad, we've talked about this. I'm not going to have Akio watching my every move. I'm a grown woman," I say, slightly annoyed that he still thinks he can control me.

"Fine, I was just asking," he tries to defend himself but I wasn't having it.

The food arrives and just the smell reminds me that I barely ate anything today. I immediately drive into the soft tofu stew and savore the delicious tofu before taking another bite.

I am only half done my stew when my mother comments on the well prepared dish before she went and mentioned the second thing I knew what was going to be mentioned.

"Seeing as you don't have Akio to keep you safe and keep you on track with your studies, I surely hope you can continue that on your own," says my mother.

"What are you trying to say mom? I'm not going to just go out and get drunk while putting my safety in jeopardy. Who do you think I am? When was the last time I let my marks slip?" I say back at her.

"I never said anything like that but the fact that you thought about such things makes me worry," said my mother acting like she cared, "and I wouldn't be so disrespectful if I were getting the results you got last year."

This stuck a nerve. "What are you talking about? I got an A last year for my average. Do you know how hard that is for college level?"

My mother has just about had it but now my father joined in the conversation. He pushes his hands down on the table, staring me down.

It wasn't loud enough to be noticed by the other people in the restaurant but it was enough to send me back into half the person I am with no power or control and I loose the strange amount of confidence to speak my mind to my parents

"Sana, show your mother some respect for your mother. Last I checked, you had only just made an A. At this rate your attitude is showing me that you really do need Akio."

I look at him, unable to say anything with the fear of taking another step in the wrong direction. Nayeon who has quietly watched the seen unfold, not wanting to interrupt comes to my rescue.

"Sir, sorry to intrude on your family meeting but please could I just say something?" Nayeon askes my dad politely.

"Yes, yes of course Nayeon. What is it dear?" answers my mother.

"This may not be my place to say this but I think you should allow Sana to be able to study without Akio watching her all the time. Like she said she's a grown woman who can take care of herself. How do you expect her to learn if you're constantly on her case? Besides, if anything does go wrong, she's got me."

Nayeon ends of her mini speach with her signature smile. It takes my father a few seconds but he eventually agrees.

"Alright then. But Sana, I expect an apology for the behavior you showed us today" says my father sternly.

"Y.. Yes Father, you're right. My behavior was unforgivable. I'm sorry. This won't happen again." I apologize.

Everyone continues to eat and I let out a breath of relief that Nayeon helped me just like she said she would. I would have joined eating with the rest of them but the incident left me uneasy and I lost my appetite.

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