Chapter 6

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Great, just great. This year is going to be fantastic and by fantastic, I mean pure hell.

All I wanted was to spend my last year without her. Just one year. I mean sure I would see her in other lessons or on the corridors and stuff but my god, haven't I suffered enough with her all these years.

I don't know what's worse. The fact that she's in my class or the fact that her little gang is here too.
Her, definitely her. She will always be the worst part.

My worst obstacle.

My deadliest poison.

She walks smugly to her seat, hand in hand with Daniel. How he manages to be so close to her is beyond me.

Her aura alone, like radioactive waves, sickening those that come too close. Dangerous yet so alluring to the weak willed.

How he manages to touch the skin of someone who could bite at any given moment with venom so toxic and poisonous it could have a basilisk skimming at the speed of a Bugatti into a faraway land just to distance itself.

Everyone, this is the Park Jihyo that I have come to know, and very little will have the ability to change my mind about her, if anything.

Class resumes and by the end of it, I felt the weight of a gaze burning deep into me. I scan around the class to try find out who would be looking at me and then there. Of all people, I spot the person in my peripheral vision.

I immediately turn around in my seat, a little unsettled by what I saw. It was Jihyo and she looked like she had been waiting for me these whole holidays that passed.

A predator who was deprived from it's pray over a long period of time however in the jungle the predator becomes weak without it's pray. With no food to eat, they will eventually die or find something else.

This was not the case for me. My predictor is relentless. Contrary to the jungle, my predictor grows stronger without her pray. She grows her fuel only to release all the exhaust on me.

The bell rings and I grab my bag and dash out the class as naturally as I can with my head bowed, stumbling once or twice as I make my way to the door. I could not let her get her chance with me.

I release a breath of relief as I enter the classroom without any complications. A little paranoid. I know

It's not like Jihyo and here gang were out to get me but it was the beginning of the year and I'd still rather be safe.


The next two lessons passed. It's break and I am making my way to the library. My personal favourite place in the school. If not for the books then for the air conditioning and how no one bothers to pay attention to you when you're in there or your purpose there.

I was just about there when..

I am suddenly slammed against the lockers. The shock disorients me for a second before I realise that it was Chaeyoung who did this.

"Hey Sour Milk, been a while hasn't it. Where have you been these holidays?"

I looked at her, begging her to let go of me with my eyes. She doesn't budge.

"Not talking, huh?" she asks pushing me further into the closed lockers.

I needed to get away from here. If Chaeyoung was here it's because someone told her to and I didn't want to be here when she showed herself.

"Please Chaeyoung, just let me go." I plead.

"Yes Chaeyoung, I agree. Let Dubu go," says a new voice. The voice that left a vile taste in my mouth and it was especially vile when she called me by that.

I feel the weight of Chaeyoung's hold leave me but I didn't move. Instead I simply stand there and look in the direction of where the voice came from.

It was Jihyo, and behind her stood Daniel, Chittaphon, Kunpimook, Lisa, Seunghwa and Rosé.

"Ji.. Jihyo what do you want?" I ask her trying to keep a steady voice.

"Oh, nothing much... Atleast nothing for now although I must admit, I do feel we haven't had a proper greeting as of yet. I tried greeting you after class but you ran away so quickly."

"I didn't want to be late," I lie but i know it doesn't matter what I say. It's all the same to her.

"Oh, I understand. For a moment I thought you might have been avoiding me."

I don't respond.

"Dubu, I asked if you were avoiding me," and there she goes again calling me that. I hated that nickname she gave me. I hated everything it stood for.

"Yo, my girl Jihyo just asked if you were avoiding her. Now pay her some respect and answer her."

It was Lisa that had spoken as she rested her arm around Jihyo's shoulders.

"No, no I'm not avoiding you," I answer.

"Oh good, I was so upset by the thought of you not wanting to see me," a lie as clear as daylight.

"See? I told you she's not avoiding you. There was nothing you needed to worry about," says Chittaphon.

"Yes, thank you Ten for that assurance"

"Ey, Jihyo," starts Chaeyoung.

"Yes?" asks Jihyo.

"Do you want to know what I reckon?" No please don't reckon anything. You reckon nothing Chaeyoung, nothing.

"What?" Jihyo perks up at this.

"I reckon Sour Milk is lying to you." Oh, why is Chaeyoung even here?

"I think so too," agrees Kunpimook.

"Is that so? Well guys, it seems that Dubu needs to be taught that ignoring me comes with consequences."

And that's when I'm slammed back up against the locker, this time by Seunghwa as he looked at me with his smoky eyed gaze and Satin's smirk.

Daniel comes next and takes a swing at me, aiming at my stomach, essentially winding me. Lisa and Chaeyoung next as they knee me to the ground and kick my sides once or twice.

"I'm glad I got to properly greet you for the new school year. Let's have a good one. It's our last," says Jihyo and before they leave she leans down to whisper something in my ear before they walk away laughing.

"Oh my god, isn't it so funny how she thought that she could just ignore you like that," Rosé says like it the most absurd thing ever. More mysterious then the Bermuda Triangle.

"Omg yes, the nerve of that girl," agrees Chittaphon, hand on hip and rolling his eyes.

Their talking fades off as they walk to the cafeteria but Jihyo's words still stick.

'You know the drill. You don't tell anyone. You know the consequences and either way, if we were meant to get caught, we would've already. The only reason we haven't is because you're worth nothing. You are nothing.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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