Chapter 5

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At long last Nayeon and I had reached the airport, passed boarding control and our plane had taken off on our flight from Japan to Korea where we would be landing in none other that Seoul's international airport.

First class felt just a little more classier without the company of Akio breathing down my neck, watching my every move. The stress of my parents had dimmed a ever so slightly and although we were flying hundreds of meters above the ground, I felt like I could breath ever so slightly easier.

This felt, in a way.. different although I knew that one slip up and I would have my parents down my throat before I could say Minatozaki.

I wouldn't allow that to happen. I refused to let it happen. I have lived to long with them-

"Hey Sana! What do you want to have for dinner? We're having take out!" Nayeon calls out from the other room, interrupting my thoughts.

"Um, how about the usual, what we always get," I call back to her.

"Alright, I'll call the place now," says Nayeon and I can here the dailing of her phone as she calls the take out place.

It's around five in the evening where Nayeon and I are staying at a five star hotel apartment that we will be calling home this year, located relatively close to the college that we are attending.

I am currently unpacking my suitcase of cloths and those types of necessities. The room I chose was the smaller of the two and when I say smaller I use that term very loosely. Although smaller than my room at home, this room was huge as far as, 'I just wanted a regular sized hotel room' goes.

The king sized bed lies in the central area of the room pushed up against the large velvet headboard hanging on the wall. Two doors where situated on a wall. One to go to the bathroom and the other to the walk in closet.

The room holds a beige undertone with hints of purple and pink with warm white walls. The floor is covered with a gaurse polyester beige carpet. A couch sits in a corner of the room filling up which would have been void unfilled space and lastly glass sliding doors which open up to a balcony showing the city of Seoul bustling down below.

I am just about done unpacking when Nayeon calls me, telling me that the food has arrived.

I get up and make my way to the kitchen. I spot the food on the counter and as expected, the usual that I requested is there. The usual being cheese kimbap, kimchi jjigae and jokbal.

"We really should change our usual. There's no way that this can be healthy," I tell Nayeon as she brings out two glasses from the cupboard.

"I'm not the one who asked for it," teases Nayeon.

"I'm serious here. We're growing older and we need think about the impact this food is going to have on ourselves in the long run," I say as I use my chopsticks to grab a serving of kimbap.

"C'mon Sana, don't be a downer. School starts in a couple days, you don't have Akio here this year, the food's not that unhealthy and if that's really the problem, then at least we're drinking water with it."

Nayeon grabs a jug of water and poors it in one of the glasses that she had taken out earlier. She takes long dramatic gulps of water, not bothering to be quiet about it.

"See Sana, look how good this water is for me. Oooh, I feel quenched. My throught does not know the dry season my friend."

I've ended up laughing with the older girl. "Nayeon, what the hell man? What is wrong with you?"

"Ok, but can we at least be happy that Akio's not here. Sorry but they guy was a real downer who creeped she shit out of me."

"At least you can take a shit. I don't know how Akio gets rid of his feaces with a stick that far up his ass."

"Ayy, there's fun Sana coming out," Nayeon announces proudly, "I forgot such words could come from your mouth. You potty mouth."

I'm quite proud of my line however the confidence is fading quickly and I absentmindedly start fiddling with the chopsticks in my hand, almost regretting what I said. "I mean, you said that we were having fun and it's true.. I guess."

"No, what you said was good. You need to say stuff like that sometimes. I personally could have come up with way worse on the spot."

I put a slight smile on my face. "Yeah, I guess you're right," however it was still wrong of me to say that. Oh geez, why did I say that. I shouldn't have said that. Imagine if anyone other than Nayeon had heard m-

"Sana, speaking of Akio and your parents..." Nayeon paused as if choosing her words carefully, "I just want to know when you will be able to speak openly about what you want. You know, even if they don't agree with you."

"Well, I- um.." My pulse picked up at the mention of my parents. Just the thought of them does that too me and now thinking about actually talking to them. I stilled.

"Are you going to tell me?" Nayeon pushes.

I don't want her to push.

Unsure I say, "I mean, I did today," and just like that, I loose my appetite for the second time today.

"Yeah, I know you did and I was really shocked and surprised but most of all, I was proud. It showed me you had it in you to stand your ground."

"Nayeon that's nice and all but please can we not talk about this now?"

"Yeah sure, but when Sana? You did well  but you can't just keep-"

"Nayeon, I said not now, please I'm begging."

I stand up from my chair and make my way to my room. Nayeon knows exactly what I'm going to do and allows me to leave however she does not stop talking.

"Ok fine then. Just know that we are going to have this conversation. And even if it's  not with me, which is fine, then then it needs to be with someone. It will only be of benefit to you. I care about you Sana and I don't like seeing you like this."

By the time she finished, I had already closed my room door shut and was searching for my pills.

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