Here Comes Trouble

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As Ruby, Yang, and Caleb stood there, wondering what that roar was, the groud shook violently, and the sounds of large, pounding footsteps grew louder. Suddenly, a huge Beowolf burst through the treeline, and it flung something, no, someone at the trio.

"Woah there!", Yang yelled as she jumped up and caught the young boy flying straight at them. She landed soflty and set the small boy next to Caleb. She then took a double take. "What the...? Caleb, why are there two of you?"

"Oh no...", Caleb groaned, "...that kid you just caught is my little brother, Andrew."

The small redhead boy looked like a younger, smaller Caleb, but armed with a bow and gladius-like sword. He jumped up and stared at the Beowolf with an intense fire in his eyes. Even Yang backed off when he drew an arrow and shot the Grimm dead in the eye.

"Big bro!", Andrew yelled, "Get ready to it him! I'll cover you with a shock arrow."

Caleb nodded, and everything seemed to go in slow motion as Andrew fired a flurry of arrows towards the beast while Caleb sprinted at a dizzying speed, a large sword forming in his hand. As the wrrows hit the Beowolf and erupted into large blasts of electricity, Caleb swung away at it, and soon, it was brought down. Ruby and Yang stared in awe as the duo of fiery-haired brothers utterly dominated the Grimm, and they couldn't believe how well they worked together.

Caleb gave his little brother a high five and they both turned toward the two sisters, who were frozen in awe.

"Somethin' wrong, ladies?", Andrew questioned.

"Yeah, are you two okay?" , Caleb asked.

The girls nodded, regaining their senses.

"Oh, yeah, we're fine, but you two are...just, wow..." Yang said, still in awe. "I never knew my boyfriend was so good at taking down Grimm!" , she yelled as she wrapped her arms around him, suffocating him in her cleavage. Surprised and fearful screams could be heard from Caleb.

Ruby laughed at Caleb and Yang, but still couldn't help feeling defeated. She sighed and turned to Andrew, who was beaming with pride.

"My big bro is so cool..."

"Yeah, seems so. You two work pretty well together."

"Mhmm! I mean, Bro did teach me everything I know about combat. He's the best teacher ever."

"I'll have to see if he can help me train..." mumbled Ruby, the thought of training one-on-one with Caleb making a blush go across her face. Her romantic daydreams were quickly pushed into the back of her mind as she saw a small red swishing behind Andrew. "What the...?" Ruby said, pointing at it.

Andrew noticed and held it up. "Hm, this? This is my tail! You can't see them through my curly hair, but I have cat ears too. And so does Bro!"

Yang, overhearing this, took the initiative and stuck her fingers in Caleb's curly red hair, and felt his cat ears. A huge blush shot across Caleb's face as she began petting his ears. "Y-Yang," Caleb complained, embarrased, "my ears are...r-really sensitive..."

Yang grinned misheviously, obviously enjoying this moment. Caleb then leaned close to her and began purring, and Yang's face turned a dark red. She quickly pulled her hands away, flustered.

Ruby and Andrew both laughed, but this sweet moment got interuppted by more roaing echoing through the forest. it was going to be a hard fight to the ruins, that was for sure. But Ruby and the others were more than prepared for combat.

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