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Rummaging in his drawers, trying to find the ring, Gilbert was thinking about how he should propose. Nothing seemed right however; he really didn't know what he was supposed to say to Winifred to make her his fiancé. The ring was hidden under letters and other objects, hence why he couldn't find it momentarily. Before he reached the bottom of the wooden drawer however, he came across a letter which caught his eye. In cursive writing the words 'Gilbert Blythe' were written on the front. The instantly recognisable writing of Anne Shirley Cuthbert stood in front of him, and the urge to read it once again overcame him. From the moment he received the letter in Trinidad when on his voyage with Bash, he had read it many times. By now he could most likely recite the words written by the fiery red head.

Anne led in bed, day dreaming. Remembering the look in Gilbert's eyes; was he really going to marry Winifred? She stood up suddenly, looking through her drawer for the mini dictionary gifted to her by the man himself. 'Where is it?' She wondered as she dug deeper to find it. Firstly however, she came across the letter which she claimed to not be romantic when she first read it in front of Marilla. The years of denying her connection between Gilbert and wondering if she had just been true to her self, would she be in this position today? Finally finding the dictionary, she picked it up and read the words aloud. Feeling overwhelmed, she dropped it. Picking it up again with her shaky hands, she opened the first page: 'So you can beat me fair and square, Gilbert'. The perfect Christmas gift she remembered, when he passed it to her across the tree, blowing out the candles, faces only inches apart, eyes fixed on each other. She remembered how her heart raced in that moment, just like it was now.

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