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He sat on the bench, knowing the time which the Charlotte Town train usually arrives. No one else was there, so it was a peaceful setting to reflect on the events to come. Ten minutes left till possibly the most significant journey of his life. But he was more scared than excited. What was he supposed to feel in this moment? Anxious or exhilarated?

'Come on Diana, the train could come any moment!' Anne said, running through the woods.
'Slow down Anne, this is tiring!' Diana replied, clearly the adrenaline Anne was feeling was not mutual.
'It's not far Anne, just walk, you don't want to get ..'
And in that moment Anne tripped over a branch.
'Ow!' Anne screamed, hugging her knee. It was scratched and had started to bleed.
'Anne!' Diana screamed, running to kneel next to her.
'Wait- stay here- I'll get help!' Diana started to run in every direction, thinking who would be best to call for help.
'NO!' Anne shouted.
'Just help me up, I'll limp to the station.'
However she said that unconvincingly, as her eyes were squinted and she was holding back tears.
'You're in a lot of pain, you can't walk in this state!' Diana exclaimed.
'Please Diana, I can do this.' She said in a much more subtle tone. In that moment Diana knew how much she loved Gilbert.

A minute to go till the train was going to arrive and Gilbert sat twirling the ring between his fingers. Was this the right decision? Even though Anne did not confess her love, looking back did she really say no? The look in her bold blue eyes should've been a significant enough reason for Gilbert to believe she did feel something, but he was so confused, and after all the years of them both disguising feelings, Gilbert really didn't know what was true and what wasn't anymore. Anne had always made sharp comments to him, so he just assumed that she wasn't interested, but maybe she was hiding it as well? 'Well she did seem jealous whenever Winnie was mentioned,' he thought, curious to why that was. 'And the other night, she seemed rather flustered, maybe she was just as confused as I am?' Gilbert wondered. As the train approached, he realised something, it wasn't Paris he wanted, and it wasn't a wife, well not yet at least. It was Anne.

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