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Bash answers the door.
'Hello Anne, Diana,' he greeted them. 'What brings you two here then?'
'Is Gilbert here?' Anne asked frantically.
'No he just left to go to the train station,' Bash replied, eyebrows furrowed.
'Do you know where he was going?' Anne said, her heart beats increasing.
'Yeah- um he was going to Charlotte Town to see Winifred, and to um..'
Anne cuts him off.
'We have to go.' Anne started to walk quickly in the direction of her destination, hoping to get there in time.
'Diana, come on!' Anne shouted.
'She's in love with Gilbert,' Diana whispered to Bash with a gentle chuckle. Anne grabbed Diana's arm this time and directed her to the direction of the train station.
'I thought...' bash said under his breath, him too expressing a small laugh as he looked at Anne's flustered face.

Gilbert stared at the trees surrounding him. They somehow comforted him, kept his mind off the proposal. But instead it focused his mind on the girl at home. 'Anne would be so very fascinated by these trees,' he internally thought. The autumnal colours reminded him of her stunning red hair, which caught his eye from the start. He then pictured Anne's wonderful freckles, all the features that she despised about herself; the same features he admired. The woods were coming to an end however, as he saw the track in sight. What was to come of this journey to a new life?

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