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Anne put her hand on Diana's shoulder. She heaved herself up.
'OW!' She let out a shriek of pain.
'Anne I need to get someone.'
'No, I can do this,' Anne said, determined.
Luckily it wasn't too far to walk to the train station, only a few minutes more. Hobbling would obviously take longer, but they were still pretty close.

10 minutes later...

The light beyond the trees shone. The train station was just a few steps away. Diana helped Anne to take the last steps, and they found theirselves on the platform. Looking around, there was no one in sight. Anne's heart began to drop. Until in the corner of her eye, a familiar figure stood, staring at her with complete and utter surprise.
'Anne?' Gilbert said, his voice cracking slightly. Then he noticed her leg. He ran over and helped lay Anne down.
'What happened?' He said as he grabbed a bandage from his bag which he luckily kept with him.
'We we're trying to find you and Bash said you were here and we didn't know when your train left so I was running so I didn't miss you and..' Anne started panting heavily. After a couple of seconds silence, Anne asked: 'Why haven't you left yet? Surely your train would've gone by now?' She was curious.
'Yes it did. But I couldn't go. Because I have to talk to you.'
As Gilbert said that, Diana assumed it was her que to leave.
'I'm going to get some help to bring Anne back, look after her okay?' Diana said, looking at Gilbert.
'I will,' he exclaimed.
It went silent for a few seconds, until Diana was gone.
'Why did you need to talk to me then?' Gilbert asked.
'Well- um -I -um was reflecting on my feelings, and I - um don't know if I came across clearly the other night but..'
'But what?' Gilbert asked, eyebrows raised, and eyes gazing upon Anne's.
'Well what-um I was trying to say was..' Anne continued, not sure how to confess her feelings.

'I love you.'
'I love you.'

They said in unison.

With that, both their eyes widened and lightened up. Anne sat up and put her back against the bench. Gilbert moved closer to her, his eyes not leaving hers, and he leant in. This time was different though. He didn't back away. Anne didn't get up and leave quickly. Well I mean it was probably impossible for her to do that, but her body was not moving, not even hesitating. Gilbert placed his hand gently on Anne's cheek. It was warm to the touch and Anne knew that he belonged to her, and she belonged to him. His mouth moved closer to hers, and it seemed like they were stuck in slow motion. After what felt like an eternity, Gilbert's soft lips lightly pressed against Anne's blushed pink lips. They closed their eyes softly and moved closer to each other. When they slowly moved their lips away from each other they gazed at each other, and chuckled quietly, Love filling their eyes. Anne wrapped her arm around Gilbert and embraced him. When Diana came back with Matthew, Marilla and Bash they saw Gilbert and Anne sitting next to each other, Anne's head laying on Gilbert's shoulder and their fingers woven together. The 4 of them smiled. And Bash gave Gilbert a wink. Anne and Gilbert were each other's home.

And this is what you call love.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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