The Chipmunks Must Be Crazy: Part 2: Zoey Goes to Bed

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(We fade from black with Sonic bringing Zoey upstairs offscreen as we pan some family photos hanging from the wall)
Sonic: So, is there anyone else you would like to invite to your party?
Zoey: Umm, let's see... Don't forget Louie, oh, and Marsha! (We now fade to Zoey's bedroom) I think that's it.
Sonic: Are you forgetting anyone else?
Zoey: Nope, I don't think so.
Sonic: Well, what about Fernando? I bet he liked to come.
Zoey: No, not Fernando.
Sonic: Why not?
Zoey: Well, he just moved here, so, I don't know him very well, and besides, he talks kind of funny.
Sonic: Now, Zoey, he doesn't talk funny, he just talks different, his family's from another country.
Zoey: Yeah, I know, it still sounds funny.
Sonic: You know, Zoey, God wants us to love everybody, not just the people that are like us, so we need to accept others just the way they are, besides, we can learn a lot of people who are different from us.
Zoey: (gets inside her blanket while tucking herself in bed) Yeah, I suppose.
Sonic: I'll tell you what, you think about it, and in the morning, we'll talk some more, okay?
Zoey: Okay.
Sonic: Goodnight, Zoey.
Zoey: Goodnight, Dad.
(Sonic exits the room and closes the door)
(Zoey thinks about it in bed, pondering her dilemma, but spaceship spotlights attracts her attention, and then, a window slams open and a tiny little spaceship appeared out of nowhere and flew across her. It then lands on the carpet. Then a pulsing beam shoots across and turned those tiny people into life sized people in galactic outfits)
Zoey: (hollarin' again) Aaah! Who are you?!
Bridget: I'm Bridget, I'm known as Lettuce and I need your help!
Zoey: (directly at the camera) Whoa, déjà vu.
(Zoey glares at Corina, who has a candy bar stuck on her space helmet)
Zoey: Umm, what's she got on her space helmet?
Bridget: Huh? What do you mean? (Glares at Corina) Corina!
Corina: What?
Bridget: How many times have I told you not to eat while wearing your helmet?!
Corina: Oh, sorry. (Tried shaking it off, tried biting it off, then tried nudging it off)

The Chipmunks Must Be Crazy: A Parody Of The Gourds Must Be Crazy.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя