The Chipmunks Must Be Crazy: Part 6: Alvin and Brittany eat the meteor.

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(Zoey, Corina, Bridget And Capper are grabbing Alvin and Brittany while we hear space laser noises. Capper And Zoey are putting Brittany inside the space pod. The space pod doors close.)
Alvin: So then? We'll just stay here?
(Alvin And Brittany get out of the U.S.S ApplePies)
Brittany: Hey, it's kind like a field trip, or something?
(When Alvin And Brittany got out, Zoey, Corina, Bridget And Capper looked at the timer)
Bridget: Only two minutes left. I hope this works.
Alvin And Brittany: 🎵Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man, the muffin man. Do you know the muffin man? He lives in Drury Lane🎵
Brittany: I bet I could eat all his muffins.
Alvin: Oh, well, I bet I could eat all his muffins, and his house. Yeah.
(Alvin And Brittany approach the popcorn meteor)
Brittany: Hey, look, some kind of a planet or something! Hey! Maybe that's where the Muffin Man lives!
Alvin: Uh, no, Jerry, he lives in Drury Lane.
Brittany: Oh, yeah.
(Alvin And Brittany crash into the popcorn meteor)
Alvin: Hey, what is this stuff? (Long pause) It's popcorn!
Alvin And Brittany: Let's eat it!
(Alvin And Brittany eat the popcorn meteor, then it cuts back to Zoey, Corina, Bridget And Capper)
Capper: Do you think it's possible?!
Zoey: If anyone can do it, they can!
(The popcorn meteor is coming to us when four of them freaked out, then Bridget says it for ten seconds)
Bridget: Only ten seconds left, I sure hope those Chipmunks were hungry. Five, four, three, two, one! Incoming!
(Everyone freaks out for incoming, Alvin And Brittany came back slamming the window)
Alvin: Well, not for me, I'm full. Excuse me.
Bridget: Get em in here!
(The Chipmunks End up back in the ship, marching bands are heard playing)
All: Yay! Yeah, Chipmunks! Way to go!
Bridget: (offscreen) You Saved the ship!
Alvin: Oh, it was nothing.
Capper: Nothing? You're telling me, saving 364 people by rapidly consuming 14,000 metric tons of popcorn is nothing?
Alvin: Well, I guess maybe it's a little something.

The Chipmunks Must Be Crazy: A Parody Of The Gourds Must Be Crazy.Where stories live. Discover now