The Chipmunks Must Be Crazy: Part 9: Epilogue.

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(The spaceship brings Zoey home From outer space, and then the spaceship goes away)
Zoey: Dad! Dad! Come quick!
Sonic: What is it? Is something wrong?
Zoey:  Uh, no, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to invite Fernando to my party after all.
Sonic: Really, that was quick. What made you change your mind?
Zoey: Well you know, being different can be good. Like maybe if my party is about to be smashed by a giant popcorn ball meteor, Fernando could maybe eat it! Or maybe if the slime monster shows up squirts Slime all over from us, Fernando could maybe blast it with his x-ray eyes!
Sonic: Well, I don't think Fernando can do those kind of things. But I bet you could teach him about his country, and show you the kind of foods he likes to eat. Who knows, you might like it.
Zoey: Yeah, that sounds fun!
Sonic: I sure am proud of you for making the right decision. Well, it's time for sleeping. I love you, little miss.
Zoey: I love you, big mister!
Sonic: See you tomorrow.
Zoey: Okay.
(Sonic exits the room and closes the door)
(Zoey sits in her bed, thinking about it, but then the spaceship came to see her)
Zoey: What? What is it now?
Bridget: Um, well, Lieutenant Corina, here dropped our map right out of the spaceship.
Corina: Sorry.
Bridget: And, um, we are wondering if you could just give us directions to the freeway? I think we can make it from there.
Zoey: Out the window, down in the city, left at Mr. Greedy.
Bridget: Great, thanks.
(The spaceship flies away out the window)
Corina: That's what I said, I said left at Mr. Greedy.
Bridget: Oh no, you said right. I distinctly remembering you saying right at Mr. Greedy.
Corina: Why would I say that? That'd be... that'd be crazy! I'm kind of thirsty, can we stop at Mr. Greedy?
Bridget: No, we need that money for toll.
(The reprise instrumental Of I Can Be Your Friend plays at the end, then the screen fades to black)
(The End)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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