The Chipmunks Must Be Crazy: Part 4: Meet Capper DapperPaws.

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(We are now in the elevator, then the elevator door opens to reveal Capper DapperPaws)
Capper: Ah, Captain, you've returned.
Bridget: Hello, Scooter, any luck?
Capper: I'm afraid not, Captain, the engines have got no power, and we've only five minutes till that meteor smashes us to bits!
(Zoey comes over to Capper)
Zoey: How many people are on the ship?
Capper: 364!
Zoey: And how escape pods are there?
Capper: Two!
Zoey: Drat!
(There is a pause)
Zoey: How much do you know about this meteor?
Capper: Ah, funny you should mention it, are sensors have just turned that the meteor is made entirely out of....
Bridget: What? Out of what?!
Capper: Popcorn!
(Bridget, Zoey, And Corina gasp)
Zoey: A popcorn ball meteor!
Bridget: The worst kind!
Corina: Umm, would that be Carmel or cheese? 'Cause I don't like that stuff very much, it gets stuck on me.
Capper: It makes one precious little difference that it hits you 15,000 miles an hour!
Corina: Ah, good point.

The Chipmunks Must Be Crazy: A Parody Of The Gourds Must Be Crazy.Where stories live. Discover now