The Chipmunks Must Be Crazy: Part 3: The U.S.S ApplePies in Danger

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Bridget: "ahem" We need your help, Zoey, (shows image of the U.S.S ApplePies) Our starship, The U.S.S ApplePies, is in great danger!
Zoey: Oh really? tell me more!
Bridget: In just eight minutes, our ship and its crew will be smashed to bits by a giant meteor!
Zoey: Good heavens! Well, can't you just move the ship out of the way?
Bridget: That's Just it! The ApplePies is complete without power, dead in the water, he can't move an inch!
Corina: She's stuck!
Zoey: Oh, dear! Well, gee, how can I help?
Bridget: Didn't you learn areo-space technology at the Happy Tots Preschool?!
Zoey: Why, yes! Yes, I did!
Corina: What did you major in?
Bridget: That's not important now.
Zoey: Play-doh.
Corina: "gasp" Me too!
Bridget: No time for chit-chat! Zoey, Only you can save the U.S.S ApplePies! Lieutenant Corina! The shrinker beam!
Corina: Aye aye, Captain Bridget!
(The pulsing beam takes Corina, Bridget And Zoey, And We now see the spaceship taking off)
Zoey: Umm, I think my helmet's on backwards.
(The spaceship flies away across the window then we fade to black)
(We now fade from black and now we see the U.S.S ApplePies)
Bridget: There it is, the U.S.S ApplePies. When we get onboard, you'll be greeted by engineer Scooter, then you can get to work fixing the power.
Zoey: Okay!
(The spaceship lands in the U.S.S ApplePies)

The Chipmunks Must Be Crazy: A Parody Of The Gourds Must Be Crazy.Where stories live. Discover now