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minho got out of bed and got dressed for the day. it was friday and that meant that it was the day for him to get jisung and have their weekly coffee date.

as minho combed his hair, he remembered the event that had occurred just the other night. he had left jisung alone so he wouldn't make the situation worse and it's been a few days so it's sure to be fine.... right?

it didn't take him long to drive there. after all, it was only a few minutes drive away. he got out of the car and locked it before he walked up to the door. he knocked loudly on it and stood back a bit while he waited for an answer. there was nothing. he knocked again and he was relieved when the door opened.

"hurry up, we have a coffee date to go to remember. why you gotta procrastinate?" minho said.

jisung had a dull, sad face that didn't react at all.

"go away minho."

minho laughed but saw that jisung had the same expression.


"you heard me. go away minho, I don't want to see you right now."

"but we have our coffee date."

"why don't you go find someone else who will be able to handle your arrogance to go on a coffee date with you. find somebody who will really appreciate how nasty you are. go find that person you really love."

jisung then slammed the door. minho knocked harshly on the door but after a few minutes, he gave up.

"but you are the one I love."

beautiful - minsung ✓Where stories live. Discover now