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it had been a week or two since minho had stopped off at jisung's house. jisung missed minho. a lot. but he couldn't see him right now, he needed a break. when he first noticed his behaviour, jisung just thought it was nothing and he was overreacting. he now doesn't believe he was overreacting. but he doesn't want to leave minho either though. he loves him, very much but if things don't change then it will leave him no choice. he put on his dressing gown, opened the front door and he went to his mail box.

it felt weird for jisung because he hadn't been outside since the night he had a go at minho. he had ordered all his food and needs. he scooped up all the mail in the mailbox and then quickly rushed inside. he sat down at the table and looked through the mail which didn't seem like there was anything interesting anyway. there was a pizza place catalog about their 'great deals'. some housing catalogues and a few supermarket ones too. then he saw a letter. the letter had familiar handwriting to which he knew who is belonged to.

contemplating whether to open it or not, jisung ended up gently opening it. it was a long letter that minho had written. jisung took a deep breath and read the letter.

hey there. if you are reading this then I'm glad because that means you opened it which I didn't think you would want to. i know you are probably thinking, 'why are you writing a letter minho? you don't like writing letters.' well that's because it's better than trying to talk to you and causing an argument. but it is right that i hate writing letters, especially because i never know what to say. anyway the whole reason behind this letter is to tell you that today, after i post this letter to you i will be going to counseling. i realise counseling is quite a big deal and is kinda scary from what i have heard but i am willing to do it if it will help our relationship. i know i an asshole and i am so sorry for how I have treated you. let's just hope this counciling does some justice for not just my sake but for you as well. missing you and loving you always,
minho x

beautiful - minsung ✓Where stories live. Discover now