birthday puns

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Welll idk why bit everybody's birthdays are coming up so why not tons of birthday puns, jokes and pick up lines lol

What did the teddy bear say when he was offered cake
"No thanks I'm stuffed"

Are you a birthday cake cuz you're sweet

Your sweetness is too much, and I could get cavities.

Why did you get me a gift?
As they say.. No time like the "present"

Now that you have a new number for your age. How about you give me a new number for my contact list, huh?

I wore this shirt to your birthday party. Wanna know what it’s made of? Girlfriend materiel.

Are you a birthday present? Because I want to unwrap you.

You are my birthday wish come true, baby. Happy Birthday!

Okay. I’m here now. What other wishes have you made?

If it weren’t your birthday, I’d have asked you to get out of these place … You are making the other girls look really bad.

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