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I walked into the TV30 studio, yet another day of doing everyone's makeup and dealing with all the issues and not being able to speak my mind.. especially to  Arlo. I thought to myself.

             "Hi, um I'm the new PA.. My name is Dave." A boy who looked roughly 25 said to me and I smiled.

            "Hello Dave, I'm Athena. Welcome aboard. Would you like some pointers?" I ask in a half joking way. He nodded so I took him into Cliff's and Sasha's dressing room were they were already fighting.

         "PERVERT!" Sasha yells and turns to me, I can't stand her. She thinks she is better than everyone. Cliff looked at me and smiled.

                 "Hey guys, this is Dave and he's our new PA." I say pointing at the Amish looking dude next to me. He smiles at them and waves. They introduced themselves, as Dave and I walked away I gave him some tips, "Cliff is a porn star so he's really obsessed with how he looks and Sasha is just a slut.. to be honest." I then we go into the next room where Manjusha was standing with a try of coffee. I whisper to Dave, "I really don't know what's wrong with her but her name is Manjusha. I think something like relationship wise happened. But the guy we are about to meet next, whatever you do, don't. Piss. Him. Off. Or you'll be fired in a snap." Surly enough in comes Arlo in his Mr.Marble costume which was very colorful.

          "I DONT WANT THAT!" He yells knocking the coffee out of the small women's hands. Arlo sees me and runs to me, I was his favorite. "Morning Love." He says to me and gives me a hug.

             "Morning Love." I say and hug back. After let go I smile and introduced Dave, Arlo glares at him. "Don't fuck up my show." He says then taps my nose. He then goes back into his dressing room.

          "He seems lovely," Dave says sarcastically and I smile.

            "Arlo is  rough sometimes, but he really doesn't like anyone but me. I can understand him when know one else can. Because both Arlo and I has felt invisible or crazy our whole lives. Whenever something bad happens he comes to me. He's just.."

                "Hot." Jimmy but's in and I roll my eyes and once again introduced Dave. And once we walked away from him Dave could tell I was getting a bit irritated.

             "You okay?"

             "Yeah I just don't like CHILD MOLESTERS!" I yell loud enough for Jimmy to hear me. I hate him because I really love Arlo. But he's not mine, he's always busy.  The last person I introduced Dave too was Mr.Cronost. The head boss. When he leaves I tell Dave, "Just stay to yourself and he won't bother you as much. Well I have to go do Arlo's makeup. Talk to you later Dave."

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