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Once mostly everyone was in the room is when Arlo started to yell.

"I WANT HIM GONE!" He yelled, I turn my head to see Dave laying on the couch and lightly flash a empathic smile. I turn my head to face him.

"Arlo, calm down, it's not much of a big deal," Sasha states and I roll my eyes and look at Arlo who was already looking at me.

"NOT MUCH OF A BIG DEAL?! I ALMOST DIED ON LIVE T.V! HOW THE FUCK IS THAT NOT A BIG DEAL?" Arlo questions I look to the door way to see a little kids waiting for Mr. Marble to give them autographs. I nearly lost it. I let out a chuckle and cover my mouth quickly. Thank god Arlo was the only one that heard it and kind of gave me a weird look. I point at the door, he looks next to him and sees the kids, he jumps and I quickly get up and go to the kitchen to laugh. After about ten minutes we were told to leave. I grab my purse and keys when Arlo stopped me at the door. "Hey, Thena, do you want to come over for a movie night or something?" He asks and a smile at him. We do movie nights a lot and it's a tradition to have one on a bad day.

"Of course Lo. Let me back my bag and I'll meet you at your house. Text me when you get home too okay?" I ask. Movie nights are like sleep overs for us, since Arlo never really got to them in his child hood.

"Okay, see you later," he said booping my nose before hugging me. I smile and hug him back. After the hug I exit the building still smiling like a idiot. I get into my truck and sit there to think for a second. I leave when I calm down.

A/N: Thank you all for reading this! I hope you are enjoying it! The support I'm getting from this book is really odd, I've never thought of myself as a good author but you guys boosted my confidence a lot! So thank you so much! XXXOOOXXX~ Liberty

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