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I get home and run into my bedroom and start to packing my bag. Basically I was just shoving shit into a bag. Once I finished I sat on my bed and waited for Arlo to text me that he was home. It wasn't too long before I got a text.
🥰Lo🥰: I'm home :)
I smile and text back.
😈Athena😈: On my way :))
I grab my bag and turn off my bedroom light. I also grab my purse and keys then I leave. Arlo doesn't live too far. It's about a five minute drive. So listening to music makes it go faster. I finally arrived to see Arlo outside smoking a cigarette. He smiles and gets in my black truck.
"Hey," he says still smiling and smoking but rolling down a window.
"Arlo when you said spending the night I thought you meant in your house not in my truck," I sarcastically say looking at him with a smirk.
"Right, I want to go to Olive Garden!" He announces.
"I would say no, since I'm not your Chauffeur. But, you're lucky that Olive Garden sounds really fucking good," I say backing up.
"YES!" Arlo announces. He grabs my phone and starts to play "Candy," by Machine Gun Kelly. I smile as he blares it. Something people we work with never gets to see is this side of Arlo. The calm and fun side of him, the part of him that only I get to see. We both start singing the song at the top of our lungs.

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