One black sheep

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Scrambling through grasses as tall as he can see.
Seeking for a destination beyond his reach.
Alone and hungry thirsting being free.
For purpose he stumbles knowing not what he beseech.

Frowning at his failures; through the grasses all retreat.
One black sheep is left lost than he could ever be.
For a path through the grasses, he seeks for his script.
Why is it easy for others, yet the hardest for me.

One black sheep seeking a purpose.
Cursed by his choices as each path gets him more lost.
One black sheep Lost beyond notice.
Ready to sacrifice whatever, victory at any cost.

One lost black sheep hoping for death.
For even the voice of his mother can't help navigate this forest.

**Had a burning idea and came up with this 15 minutes later, let me know how you feel about it in the Comments, Constructive criticism and commendations are welcome .Thanks**

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