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Name: Lexi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Eye Color: Brown

Hair: Black. Short and Wavy.

Height: 4'11

Tattoos/Piercings: Ear piercings.

Personality: Sweet and adorable. She is kinda shy and super adorable. She wants friends she can trust that's it. She doesn't like being crowded or told how pretty she is. She is very nice though just misunderstood. Best person ever and not a player like most people.

Likes: Being with her family friends. Music and reading and hoodies.

Dislikes: Being popular, and popular people. Raw Fish can't stand the smell or taste.

Fears: Being alone or being hurt.

Backstory: When she was in 3rd grade she came home to her sister (Kat) who was in 7th grade crying. She found out it was because she was being bullied by popular people. Lexi was scared to be hurt like her so she cut off from people at school for a while. In 5th grade she made a friends named Crystal. Ever since then she opened up a bit she is still shy and cautious. No one will ever be as close to her as Crystal she is the only one who knows about her past. In around 8th grade she had about 5 friends who she knew she could trust. Her friends were 3 girls, and 2 boys. She is now shy but is always okay to accept new people.

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