Chapter 1: Meeting Him!!

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Kat's POV

I woke up to Katie yelling "He did not!"

 I got up and rubbed my eyes and sat down in my bed checked my phone. "IT"S 5 A.M" I yawned and yelled. "KATIE!! IT'S TO EARLY!!" 

She looked at me and sighed "you shouldn't went to the club last night then."

 I groaned and went to the dresser and got dressed. Here is the outfit I am wearing.

 Here is the outfit I am wearing

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I grabbed my phone and little handbag with all my stuff in it

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I grabbed my phone and little handbag with all my stuff in it. "I am going to walk and get coffee be back soon!" I yelled as a I closed the door. I really needed my coffee to help me wake up. As I was walking I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I look at it and was so shocked to see that my sister Lexi texted me.

L:Lexi K:Kat

L: Omg sister I am so excited for today!!!

K: What gonna happen wait... omg the concert your choir concert

L: Yes!!! I hope I won't freeze up in my solo

K: wish I could be there but you know... college mom said she will face time me during it

L: okay gotta go warm up and get ready for school still ugh

K: bye sis love you so much

L: same baii

K: baii

I love her so much and miss her but... can't help it. As I put my phone in my pocket I ran into someone and almost fell until he grabbed my arm and pulled me back up. "Sorry I should have looked where I was going." he said.

"Oh it's okay I was distracted on my phone." I said as I looked up he was super cute and looked like he was actually sorry.

" Well might as well introduce myself. I am Jackson." he said and then let go of my arm and put his hand out for me to shake.

"I am Kat." I shake his hand.

"Well I am gonna go see you later Kat." he walks away.

I just stand there shocked about this a cute guy actually cared huh that's new. I finally got to the coffee shop ordered me usual French Vanilla Cappuccino. It really helps me wake up I went back to the room and noticed Katie was gone. Of course I grab my backpack and check the time "It's 7:45!" I better hurry don't wanna be close to late. Not to mention I don't know where anything is at. 

I finally find where my first class is I walk in and OMG!!!! In the front seat is Jackson behind there is a girl who is on her phone. I find a seat close to the back and sit there and just listen to the boring lecture.

All my other classes were so uneventful Katie wasn't in any of them either. I am not very happy about this finally it's lunch time. I see Katie and run towards her.

"Katie I missed you I hate all my classes so far." I sit down next to her.

"I missed you too!! But we have next hour together!" She said as she sat down. "I also got us McDonald's." She held out the bag.

"OMG! Best bestie ever." I grab the bag and take out the cheeseburger and french fries.

"I try." She then looks at me and says "so anything happen yet."

"This morning I bumped into a guy named Jackson. He is super cute and I thought he would be super rude but surprisingly he was super nice." I take a bite or my burger and eat a fry.

Katie looks behind me and squeals and looks at me moves closer and whispers "This cute guy is looking at you."

"What?" I look behind me and see Jackson looking at me. He waves and I wave back and smile. "That's the guy that I bumped into this morning."

"Wow!! Good job Kat. Thanks I am just scared I will give him the wrong idea with my flirtatious side." I look down and finish my burger and fries.

"I am gonna get us some soda's and be right back." Katie says getting up.

"No I will you got us McDonald's." I got up and walked over to the vending machine. I got the drinks I got back to the table and I see Katie there on her phone.

"Cmon Kat we gotta get to class." She says grabbing the drink and my hand.

"Okay...." I am almost running because she walks so fast.

We get to class and the teacher literally lets us do anything since its the first day. Me and Katie just talk and are on our phones like always. After that me and her split ways. I walk around the corner and see Jackson standing against the wall. I decide to walk up to him and see how this goes.

"Hey how's it going today." I say and stand in front of him.

"It's great actually because I met you." he laughs and I laugh with him.

"Funny and cute how great. What are you doing here." I ask looking at him.

"I was skipping my last class it is so boring." 

"Wow a rule breaker great to know." I say. Right when I am about to walk away I say "see you later."

"Okay bye." He says.

When I am walking away I see this girl runs up and hugs him. I think probably his girlfriend I feel bad for her.

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