Episode 67: Life of a Royal Wife

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            Back at Th’rial within the Crystal Tower, Aureka sat in throne room pondering on what to do. Dycoon was always her rock, her prince, and her husband. Now that time was ticking down, every plan is leading to the fact that Xiong must be stopped...permanently and if Xiong dies then Dycoon will also too. Leo sat sprawled there on the floor still unconscious from Xiong’s previous attack. Since he was from the future, maybe he had the answer.

            Travis sucked in the cool air, to sooth over his anger. He wasn’t really angry with his friends or blamed Zac. He was angrier with himself for not being able to stop Trista’s fate. If only he could turn back the hands of time however, he doesn’t have that kind of power, ability or magic and his team needs him to be the leader he is meant to be now more than ever.

            “Hey stranger.” Travis turned sharply, but only seeing that it was Daloris. “Didn’t expect to see me, did ya.”

            “Oh hey Daloris.”

            “You know this isn’t your fault right?” she told him.

            “Then whose fault is it?” he asked her right back.

            “Umm how about the people who ohhh I don’t know, tried to kill us by taking down the building with us inside,” she said. She placed her hand on his arm and continued to say, “Use that anger Travis on your enemies, if you want someone to blame then blame them. You are a good person from what I’ve seen and we can’t lose you…not now at least.” The conversation was cut short when a guard rushed up to them asking to speak with the princess. They took him to her, and he explained to her that King Elynor of Julianess was here and before she could react, Elynor stepped into the throne room, caring his son. Princess Aureka stood and approached him, but to her surprise he and his soldiers got on one knee, bowing.

            “Princess Aureka Leonn’e Vandarama, I beseech you. A dark demon is heading for Th’rial and with it, he controls the power of The Dynasty,” said King Elynor as both Zac and Angela looked at each other.

            “Where’s Queen Lunamariya?” asked Princess Aureka.

            “She’s…no longer with us. Her sacrifice allowed our son to live on,” he explained.

            “I am so sorry. Please camp out here and rest,” said Princess Aureka.

            “We cannot. Our people need us. I have come to ask will you aid us…”

            “With all do respect King Elynor. If we fail, then it is up to you and your men to take him out,” she said, cutting him off. A decision was made.

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