Chapter 19 - One-night stand

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Author's (brief) forewarning: There are sexual themes in the first section below, though they are not extremely graphic or anything. They somewhat continue after the divider, but only briefly. 


 Like she handled most things in her life, Kim had a very... aggressive manner about her when she really wanted something. I just so happened to be that something at the time. She pressed her lips hard into mine and, instinctively, I returned with the same force. They had a distinctive, small hint of our makeshift dinner, a much stronger scent of lingering alcohol and there was something else... something that I couldn't exactly pinpoint, but I knew I wanted more. It simply must have been her unique taste. She breathed a small laugh as she broke the kiss momentarily. Our eyes met and the look of intensity I could see in hers was alluring in its own right. Under any other circumstance, I would've been a bit nervous with those light blue irises staring at me so intently, but this was a situation I wanted to be in. Until that point, I hadn't even realized that I had positioned my hands on her sides and weaseled them under her shirt so I could touch her skin. It was warm and smooth and soft... inviting even. I really wanted to explore just how the rest of her felt as well. I moved a hand to the small of her back and pulled her against me for another kiss. Her hands moved from being pushed into the cushion on either side of my head to laying on top of my shoulders, softly moving and massaging the area as our kiss intensified. She actually had a few inches of height on me thanks to her mounted position and I had to lean my head back slightly as our lips met again. Locks of her bleached hair tumbled forward passed her ears, draping over both of our faces and encompassing us with the sweet smell of her shampoo. We were practically concealed in our intimate moment for only us to enjoy as our tongues discovered each other.

While one hand explored under her shirt, I softly caressed her cheek with the other, gradually moving down to her neck. When I did, she quivered against me slightly and released a low moan of exhilaration against my mouth. I took that as a cue and slyly moved my lips to the side of her neck and nuzzled in, passing from her skin to her hair and back again while whispering, as I would put it, dirty nothings into her ear. She seemed to be soaking it all in, biting on her lower lip with closed eyes and rhythmically brushing against me. As I came to grips with just how much I wanted this, how much I wanted her, I also began to wonder if it was right, if we were acting without thinking. By the same standards, it really wasn't something that I wanted to question either.

She moved her hands and began pulling at my shirt; it didn't take more than a moment before I arced forward slightly so it wasn't pinned between my back and the couch. As soon as I did, the garment came flying off of my body almost faster than I could blink. Kim's hands were all over me within a nanosecond and our lesson in French kissing continued tenaciously, though I couldn't help but break form and grin as her hands slid across my chest and upper abdomen. I took the opportunity to return the favor and began to lift her shirt up. She took it off a moment later and dropped it to the ground next to us, the material of her black bra slightly reflecting the dim living room light.

We were oblivious to the movie continuing to play in front of us and a minute later it was shut off completely as Kim got up and pulled me off the couch with her. Her face was flushed but glowing with a grin spread across it. I could only assume mine looked the same; it certainly felt like it. We continued along in silence, the only sounds in the house came from our shuffling feet and wet, sloppy make-out session. She was walking backwards, seamlessly weaving around the various obstacles in our path with a practiced ease, towing me along with her fingers firmly laced in the belt loops of my jeans. In the span of only a few seconds I tripped over objects twice, not with enough force to actually fall, but with sufficient ineptness to require steadying by her hands. It broke the tension as we laughed out loud at the hilarity of it; a tension that I didn't realize was there until it was reduced. Not even in my wildest dreams could I have conjured up being in such a frenzied lip-lock with Kim Kelly (and I had had many a fantasy about it). From the looks of it, things were only going to continue to escalate as we disappeared into her room.

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