Chapter 34 - Out of the frying pan and into the fire

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"Donovan. Donovan, you're veering a little..."

"Ohshit," I spat out, quickly correcting my course before I took out a collection of trash cans on the side of the road. That was an unneeded moment of tension.

"Maybe I should be driving after all," Lindsay nervously laughed. I could only imagine she had enough fear running through her with the prospect of getting caught. Trashing her parents' car again must have been a terrifying notion that she wanted to bury in the back of her head.

"Yeah, no. Sorry. I was just a little-" I held my breath and stopped, not being able to hold back the thought that bulldozed out of my mouth next. "What do you think they're talking about?"

I had almost plowed into the garbage because I was lost in thought, trying to figure out how the conversation was going between Kim and Daniel. More than that, I was simply worried about if they were talking at all. That little brat had somehow gotten into my head, though I had no one to blame but myself for my eavesdropping.

"Who? Nick and his dad?"

"No. Kim and Daniel."

"How am I supposed to-" She stopped mid-sentence and her contrary expression fell away. "Are you and Kim- have you guys talked about what went on between you two since she got back?"

"Well..." I looked over at her somewhat nervously, cocking my head to the side for a moment and squinting. "Kinda?" Pointing my gaze back to the road, I decided to clarify my statement a little more. "We've done some talking... and a lot more than just that, honestly."

"Oh, jeez," she groaned and I wasn't exactly sure how to take the response. "So...?"

"So... we're sorta in the same spot we were before," I groaned out, feeling like I was being grilled for some reason or another. "Look, she's just not ready for another relationship yet, Linds. I'm doin' my best to not push her, to give her time to feel like she's ready to do whatever she wants to do."

"Well that's... good, I guess."

"I just... ya know... I'm a little worried. I mean her and Daniel- they have a lot of history, and, shit, I already thought somethin' was happening between us before and she went right back to him."

Lindsay released an angry sounding scoff. "Oh what? Don't you have any faith in her?! If not then why are you even interested in being with her?"

"It's not her I don't trust!"

I did trust Kim, truly, but I also knew just how much of a deep, confusing past she had with her ex, and how he worked. His ability and willingness to manipulate the emotions of those around him and use it for advancement or to get his way was scary (perhaps even bordering on a sociopathic tendency) and he had the charm to pull off the trick with ease. I didn't even know what to think of him at that point. He was understandably angry over the whole situation, but how did he ever expect any of us to move on or coexist if he refused to talk about it?

"Daniel? You're seriously worried about Daniel getting her back?"

"Yes," I nodded without hesitation. "Why is that so ridiculous?"

"Because he's with someone else! People don't just end relationships out of the blue for someone else!"

She didn't even throw a glance my way with her statement, as if she was trying to convince more than just me. Her statement was preposterous and she must have known that. She was smart enough to know that people did all kinds of scummy things, including adultery.

"How do you even know that?"

"I know because we talked a little when he dropped by on the weekend to play that game with Sam and the guys. He- okay, so maybe he still has feelings for her, but how could he not? You said yourself that they have a history. He knows it's over... he just doesn't want to know... ya know?"

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