Chapter 33 - ...and ugly (Part 3)

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The Weir residence wasn't exactly close to mine; it was actually about a twenty-minute drive, but that gave us plenty of time to try to come up with plausible reasons and excuses to get Linds out of the house if Mrs. Weir was home. After the first few attempts we kind of just gave up and instead started to throw out ridiculous ideas just to make each other laugh. We were on another subject entirely by the time we pulled into the Weir's driveway.

"So, really? Amy made him go?" I asked, pulling up on my door handle to make sure I locked the car.

"Well, yeah!" Kim proclaimed, brushing her long hair behind her ears. As per usual, a rogue lock or two would always escape and fall back on either side. "I mean think about it, he totally hates Sara, right? So why would he ever be around her unless Amy asked him to?"

"Hmm," I nodded, realizing she had a very solid point. Ken was probably more whipped than he would ever like to admit to, but I had to ask myself if that was really such a bad thing. If it ever really came to light he would likely be given endless shit about it from Nick, Daniel and probably even me, but... I realized I could easily be in the same boat if anything actually came to fruition between Kim and I. Blondie came back into town and I had immediately trotted right after her. She would ask me to do this or that and I would comply. Things had been that way since we forged a friendship.

So was accommodating your partner or friend really something to be so ashamed of and ridiculed over? And this was a two way street anyway, at least for us it seemed. Kim cared enough to try to help me better understand my mother's disease, and had even been there for me when she was hospitalized. So long as it didn't go overboard into complete and utter control by either party it was fine, perhaps even a sign of true companionship... or maybe I was just trying to rationalize because I was head over heels for the girl.

"I'm a little excited," Kim expressed, wrapping her arm behind my back after she pushed the doorbell a few times in rapid succession.

"At the possibility of being scolded by Lindsay's mom?"

"No!" she giggled. "I went from spending every day with Lindsay to not seeing her at all. I wanna see how she's doing and make sure she's not regretful or resentful about seeing the Dead. Besides, Mrs. Weir is actually still really nice to me. I've tried calling to talk to Lindsay a few times since getting back and if her mom answers she politely tells me Linds is okay, but she can't talk on the phone. All her dad does is hang up. I'm gonna tell him to 'shove it' next time, I swear to God."

A roar of laughter came dangerously close to bubbling over from me. She could be such a little firecracker at times. Suddenly the door opened and I was all ready to say a nice, friendly 'Hello!' but I was shocked by who answered and the greeting came out all wrong.

"Hellllll..." I elongated with an uncomfortable pause, dazed at the sight of Daniel. I finished off with 'oh' as if it was a completely separate word. There was only a small degree of comfort in the fact that he looked just as stunned as I felt. The smile he was wearing when he first opened the door quickly dropped.

"D-Daniel?!" Kim stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, Kim. Oh, and thanks for letting me know you made it home safe and you're okay," he finished with a scoff. Somehow, his whole reply felt cold and venomous "Ya here to get Linds in even more trouble or somethin'?" The guy was very observant and it didn't take him more than a blink of an eye to notice our touchy-feely state. "I guess I don't even have to ask what this jerk-wad is doing here with you. Congrats." At first, it looked like he was just going to slam the door in our faces, but he quickly stopped himself and made an angry-looking expression. "Ya know what- I'm outta here; you two make me sick."

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