part 4

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*El's POV*

I decided to call Will to see if he wanted to hang out.

"Hey Will! It's me, El."
"Hi, El!"
"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me soon.
"Sure! I'm free on Saturday if that's okay."
"Sure! We can work out what we will do on Saturday." I smiled.
"Okay, bye El!"
"Bye Will!"

{ Saturday }

"Hi Will! It's me Eleven again."
"Oh, Hi El! Where do you want to meet up?"
"Do you want to go to Starcourt Mall?" I asked.
"Sure! I love it there." He replied.
"I have something important to tell you when we get there, okay?"
"Yeah, okay. Bye."
"Bye Will."

I'm waiting outside Starcourt beside the bike racks because Will and I never established where to meet when we got there.
I see Will walking towards me so I call out to him and wave. He waves back and smiles and I return the smile.

"Hey El! What did you have to tell me?" He asks.
"Hey Will! I.. uh.. I wanna tell you that I have a crush on Max."
He looks uncertain when I mentioned Max but then his mouth turns back into the smile he was giving me earlier.
"That's cool! I accept you, El."
"Thanks, Will. Wanna get ice cream now and then look around the shops?"

We walk around after eating ice cream. We were walking out of a shop and that's when we saw them. Max and Mike kissing. Immediate rage courses (is that how you spell it for the way I'm thinking? lol.) through me. How could Mike and Max do this to Will?..

"What! Mike is your boyfriend! How could he do this to you?" I say whisper-shouting.
"I..Max..How could she do this to me..How could he do this?.." is all he has to say. He looks like he's on the verge of tears and obviously I don't blame him. I can't believe his best friend and boyfriend both just hurt him like this.

*Mike's POV*

"Oh no! Is that El and Will?" I exclaim.
"Oh, shit!" Max replies, looking worried.
"Eleven, Will! Please come here.." I shout to them.
"I think I'm gonna go now.." Will replies.
"So am I.." I hear El saying quietly.

El and Will turn around. They're ignoring my shouting and they walk out through the doors. I follow and I see Will getting on his bike. El must of walked here because she gets on the back of Will's bike and wraps her arms around his torso and they cycle away.

el's girl crush - byler, reddie, elmaxWhere stories live. Discover now