part 5

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Will thinking: How could they do this to me?

El thinking: I feel so bad for Will..I wish they didn't do that. I honestly wanted to be friends with Max but since she's done this to one of my best friends, I don't think I can.

Mike thinking: I have to go talk to Will..

*Will's POV*
(Btw this is a day after what happened at Starcourt Mall)

I hear a knock on the door and I sit up and answer it. Mike is there. My eyes are red and I look disgusting.

"Hi Will.." he says.
"Hey." I reply shortly.
"Will.. I'm so sorry about what I did to was wrong." He starts.
"I was struggling with my sexuality and I've discovered I'm bisexual. But.. I don't think I like you anymore. Of course I like you as a friend but.. nothing more."
My heart shatters a little more.
"Yeah.. I kinda guessed that when I saw you with Max." I say but it comes off harsh.

"Yeah...I think I really like Max and I do love you Will but only as best friends..I hope we can remain friends even after all of this." He says.
I smile slightly at him. I hug him.
"Yeah.. sure Mike. We can remains friends. I'll see you around, okay? Bye." I step inside and wave at him slightly. He smiles slightly and gives a small wave back. I shut the door.

*El's POV*

I call Lucas and ask for Max's address. He asks why and I explain everything that has been happening in the last few days. He's surprised and seems hurt that I've been hanging out with Will more than him and Dustin so I assure him I will hang out with him and Dustin soon. He gives me the address and I set off.

It's raining outside so I put on my red raincoat and cycle to the address. I arrive at the house and knock at the door. Max answers and she looks surprised and kind of guilty.

"El?" She asks.
I roll my eyes. I want to slap her for all the pain she put Will through but I resist.
"Max! How could you do that to Will? He's meant to be your best friend!.. He's really hurt." I shout.
"I know..I'm sorry. It was wrong and I feel so awful. It was wrong." She repeats. I don't love Mike so I'm gonna break this whole thing me and him have off. I don't even know what I was thinking when it started. I regret it so much." She sounds sincere so I sigh and say, "Okay, but you should atleast talk to Will tomorrow."

Little did El know, Max didn't care about what she did to hurt Will but she was still going to try get close to him and then stab him in the back with her plan she formed a few months prior.

Later that day

"I'm so sorry about what happened to you, Will." I say, giving him a sympathetic look.

He smiles slightly. "It's okay."

Hi! I'm so sorry. This chapter is so bad. Mikes reasoning makes no sense and it so's bad lol.

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